Fix issue where customer checkout with mobile banking OCBC Pay Anyone type after pay customer cannot go back to the order success page. This occurred because callback uri cannot contain query parameters.
Change return_uri when create charge with mobile banking ocbc pao type.
Add new API redirect to mobile banking callback.
3. Quality assurance
Ensure charge of type mobile banking ocbc pao can be created and redirect back to order success page correctly after complete the payment. For other mobile bankings, ensure charge can be created.
🔧 Environments:
Specify the details of your test environments, including, for each, the platform version (on which the plugin was run), the Omise plugin version, and the versions of your system software such as PHP or Ruby.
WooCommerce: v4.3.0
WordPress: v5.4.2
PHP version: 7.3.3
Omise plugin version: Omise-WooCommerce 4.3 (optional, in case of submitting a new issue)
✏️ Details:
Explain how to manually test this feature.
For example if changes were made in the UI or in the API, explain where and if any specific access is needed.
4. Impact of the change
List the steps that must be taken for this PR to work.
E.g.: rake yak:shave, Add "yak_key" to environment variables, ...
Be sure to include all systems that needs to be changed or which system is affected by the change
(Ex: Requires Elastic search to be installed and configured in secrets.yml).
Note: Please provide a screenshot if your changed impact to UI.
5. Priority of change
6. Additional Notes
Any further information that you would like to add.
1. Objective
Fix issue where customer checkout with mobile banking OCBC Pay Anyone type after pay customer cannot go back to the order success page. This occurred because callback uri cannot contain query parameters.
2. Description of change
3. Quality assurance
Ensure charge of type mobile banking ocbc pao can be created and redirect back to order success page correctly after complete the payment. For other mobile bankings, ensure charge can be created.
🔧 Environments:
Specify the details of your test environments, including, for each, the platform version (on which the plugin was run), the Omise plugin version, and the versions of your system software such as PHP or Ruby.
✏️ Details:
Explain how to manually test this feature. For example if changes were made in the UI or in the API, explain where and if any specific access is needed.
4. Impact of the change
List the steps that must be taken for this PR to work. E.g.: rake yak:shave, Add "yak_key" to environment variables, ...
Be sure to include all systems that needs to be changed or which system is affected by the change (Ex: Requires Elastic search to be installed and configured in secrets.yml).
Note: Please provide a screenshot if your changed impact to UI.
5. Priority of change
6. Additional Notes
Any further information that you would like to add.