omji / django-tabbed-admin

Easily add tabs to django admin forms
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
63 stars 68 forks source link

still not working in django 2.0 #32

Open hamzabawumia opened 5 years ago

hamzabawumia commented 5 years ago

Hi, i just used your latest version (django-tabbed-admin 1.0.4) in django 2.0 but the tabs do not display. I used the same on a django 1.11 project and the tabs display fine, however in django 2.0 it still not displaying the tabs, i just see a long form.

Kindly help please.

jrujano-zz commented 5 years ago

Hi, i just used your latest version (django-tabbed-admin 1.0.4) in django 2.0 but the tabs do not display. I used the same on a django 1.11 project and the tabs display fine, however in django 2.0 it still not displaying the tabs, i just see a long form.

Kindly help please.

I feel the same, I am implementing this package in django 2 and it does not show the tabs

D2theR commented 5 years ago

I managed to get this working in Django 2.1, but I am however using the django-admin-tools plugin so I cannot guarantee consistency throughout other admin apps like grappelli and such but maybe this will help others at least get started.

I replaced my admin.ModelAdmin class entirely with TabbedModelAdmin:

`### My django-tabbed-admin

class MyAdminView(TabbedModelAdmin):

# Define your model like in the docs.
model = MyModel

##Define all your fields/fieldset params like you would normally in admin.ModelAdmin
list_select_related = ['your_fields']
list_display = ['your_fields']
list_display_links = ['your_fields']
list_filter = ['your_fields']
autocomplete_fields = ['your_fields']
search_fields = ['your_fields']
readonly_fields = ['your_fields']
fieldsets = [
    ('Model Information',{'fields': [('field_1','field_2','field_3','field_4',)]})
save_as = True
inlines = [MyModelInline]

##django-tabbed-admin fieldset stuff##
tab_for_model = (
tabs = [
    ('Model Information', fieldsets),
    ('My Inline Model', tab_for_model)

### Define custom templates

# I copied the change_form and fieldset templates from the following paths
# into my custom admin template directoy.

# '/lib/python3.5/site-packages/tabbed_admin/templates/tabbed_admin/'
change_form_template = 'path_to_your_model_templates/change_form.html'

# I got a weird Key error in the old fieldset.html template that django.admin uses,
# I think it has something to do with the new read_only/has_view permissions within the admin since 2.0

# '/lib/python3.5/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/includes/fieldset.html'
template = 'path_to_your_model_templates/fieldset.html'

# Added customer jquery static references.
# Don't forget to add TABBED_ADMIN_USE_JQUERY_IU = True to your 
class Media:
    js = [
    css = {'all':(


I also made some updates to this file:


` from django import template from django.contrib.admin.helpers import Fieldset from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured

register = template.Library()

@register.simple_tag(takes_context=True) def render_tab_fieldsets_inlines(context, entry): """ Render the fieldsets and inlines for a tab. """ admin_form = context['adminform'] ### I changed the template variable to refer to our custom defined templates in our TabbedModelAdmin template = admin_form.model_admin.template

if 'request' not in context:
    raise ImproperlyConfigured(
        '"request" missing from context. Add django.core.context'
        '_processors.request to your'
request = context['request']
obj = context.get('original', None)

inline_matching = {}
if "inline_admin_formsets" in context:
    inline_matching = dict((inline.opts.__class__.__name__, inline)
                           for inline in context["inline_admin_formsets"])

**### I changed the readonly_fields to reference that modelAdmin forms readonly_field variable directly**
if entry['type'] == 'fieldset':
    name = entry['name']
    f = Fieldset(
    context["fieldset"] = f
    return render_to_string(template, context.flatten(), request=request)
elif entry['type'] == 'inline':
        inline_admin_formset = inline_matching[entry["name"]]
        context["inline_admin_formset"] = inline_admin_formset
        return render_to_string(inline_admin_formset.opts.template,
                                context.flatten(), request=request)
    except KeyError:  # The user does not have the permission
return ''
