omkarpatil26 / Namaste-React

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Swiggy Menu API #1

Open HrishiSonar opened 2 months ago

HrishiSonar commented 2 months ago

Hello Omkar, I was watching the NR episode 7 and was not unable to access the Menu API. How did you access it?

omkarpatil26 commented 2 months ago

Swigggy keeps changing the API's and the structure of the APi's you need to debug the API using developer's tool(network tab),you can refer this : const { itemCards } = resInfo?.cards[4]?.groupedCard?.cardGroupMap?.REGULAR?.cards[1]?.card?.card;

const categories = resInfo?.cards[4] (c) => c.card?.["card"]?.["@type"] === "" );

Hope this will help you