omnetpp / omnetpp

OMNeT++ Discrete Event Simulator
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omnetpp macOS mojave out/calng/routing error 1 #763

Closed haram99 closed 5 years ago

haram99 commented 5 years ago


Describe the bug Provide a clear and concise description of the bug. What you did, what was the result, and what you expected to happen instead. You can paste output or use screenshots if it is useful.

To Reproduce Help the development team to reproduce the issue. Provide step-by-step instructions, code examples, etc.

haram99 commented 5 years ago

OMNEt++ all versions OS:MacOS Mojave Screen Shot 2019-05-10 at 10 03 59 AM

rhornig commented 5 years ago

There is unfortunately no meaningful information in this bugreport .

haram99 commented 5 years ago

I tried all OMNET++ versions for my macOS Mojave same errors i couldn't run any simulation installation and making no problem just when run the application

rhornig commented 5 years ago

And unfortunately, there is still no meaningful information in this issue report. Apart from the screenshot, which shows, there is 6 error in the project. At least showing the error messages would help.