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Lambda data gets failed #19

Open udmishraa opened 6 years ago

udmishraa commented 6 years ago

Hi, I am getting below response. Can you help to find what I am missing in this.

('this is in sending data', {'data': [{'host': 'localhost', 'value': 4.0, 'key': u'Lambda.Invocations.Sum'}, {'host': 'localhost', 'value': 0.0, 'key': u'Lambda.Errors.Sum'}, {'host': 'localhost', 'value': 257.3425, 'key': u'Lambda.Duration.Average'}, {'host': 'localhost', 'value': 0.0, 'key': u'Lambda.Throttles.Sum'}], 'request': 'sender data'}) ('sEND FATA', 'ZBXD\x01;\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00{"data": [{"host": "localhost", "value": 4.0, "key": "Lambda.Invocations.Sum"}, {"host": "localhost", "value": 0.0, "key": "Lambda.Errors.Sum"}, {"host": "localhost", "value": 257.3425, "key": "Lambda.Duration.Average"}, {"host": "localhost", "value": 0.0, "key": "Lambda.Throttles.Sum"}], "request": "sender data"}') ('this is response', [(1, {u'info': u'processed: 0; failed: 4; total: 4; seconds spent: 0.000057', u'response': u'success'})])

omni-lchen commented 6 years ago

It looks like your zabbix host "localhost" could be wrong, the host should match the name you set up in zabbix.

udmishraa commented 6 years ago

Still it is same. I have changed localhost to my zabbix host name.

maiconbaumx commented 6 years ago

What is the name of your host in Zabbix? The host you're sending data, the host you'll use to graph/alert/visualize this data, not your Zabbix Server... Is localhost?