omni-us / jsonargparse

Implement minimal boilerplate CLIs derived from type hints and parse from command line, config files and environment variables
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[Feature Request] Add include other config file ability to --config parse param #117

Closed shenmishajing closed 2 years ago

shenmishajing commented 2 years ago


see this issue from pytorch lightning.


Several keywords we have to support: __base__, __delete__, __import__, change_item, pre_item and post_item.

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keyword value effect
__base__ str or list[str],(each str should be a relative path from cur cofig file) Merge every config one by one, current last.
__delete__ True or str\|int or list[str\|int],True for delete all keys from other config, str\|int only delete the specific key (for dict) or index (for list) Delete some part of config from other.
__import__ Any Just delete this, for convenience of reference in yaml
change_item list[[index, item]],used only when merge list Add ability of merg list, change the list[index] from other to item
insert_item list[[index, item, (extend)]],used only when merge list Add ability of merg list, insert iterm to the list at index, extend=True if insert a list of items
pre_item Anyor list[Any],used only when merge list Add ability of merg list, add the value in the start of the list from other to item
post_item Anyor list[Any],used only when merge list Add ability of merg list, add the value in the end of the list from other to item

Pseudo implementation of merging (assuming the config is dict instead of namespace)

def deep_update(source, override):
    Update a nested dictionary or similar mapping.
    Modify ``source`` in place.
    if isinstance(source, Dict) and isinstance(override, Dict):
        if '__delete__' in override:
            delete_keys = override.pop('__delete__')
            if isinstance(delete_keys, str):
                delete_keys = [delete_keys]

            if isinstance(delete_keys, list):
                for k in delete_keys:
                    if k in source:
            elif delete_keys:
                return override
        for key, value in override.items():
            if isinstance(value, Dict) and key in source:
                source[key] = deep_update(source[key], value)
                source[key] = override[key]
        return source
    elif isinstance(source, List) and isinstance(override, Dict):
        if 'change_item' in override:
            change_item = override.pop('change_item')
            for index, v in change_item:
                source[index] = deep_update(source[index], v)

        if 'insert_item' in override:
            insert_item = override.pop('insert_item')
            insert_item.sort(key = lambda x: x[0], reverse = True)
            for item in insert_item:
                if len(item) == 3:
                    index, value, extend = item
                    index, value = item
                    extend = False
                if extend:
                    assert isinstance(value, list), 'Cannot extend a non-list'
                    for v in value:
                        source.insert(index, v)
                    source.insert(index, value)

        if '__delete__' in override:
            delete_keys = override.pop('__delete__')
            if isinstance(delete_keys, int):
                delete_keys = [delete_keys]

            if isinstance(delete_keys, list):
                delete_keys = list({int(d) for d in delete_keys})
                delete_keys.sort(reverse = True)
                for k in delete_keys:
            elif delete_keys:
                return override
        if 'pre_item' in override:
            source = (override['pre_item'] if isinstance(override['pre_item'], list) else [override['pre_item']]) + source
        if 'post_item' in override:
            source = source + (override['post_item'] if isinstance(override['post_item'], list) else [override['post_item']])
        return source
    return override
F-Barto commented 2 years ago

I am interested in such a feature.

In my use case, I would have a class for a loss where only one parameter, num_scales, changes across models.

If I understand correctly, with your proposition, it would allow me to have something like that:

# ssim_l1.yaml
  class_path: reconstruction.ssim_l1.SSIM_L1
    ssim_loss_weight: 0.85
    C1: 1e-4
    C2: 9e-4
    clip_loss: 0.0
    kernel_size: 3
    num_scales: 4
    reprojection_masking: False
    automasking: True
    padding_mode: 'zeros'
    align_corners: True
# multiscale_model.yaml
__base__:  ssim_l1.yaml
# monoscale_model.yaml
__base__:  ssim_l1.yaml
    num_scales: 1

Instead of rewriting the whole class definition just for one parameter.

In practice, I have 3 modules of loss (imu, depth, reconstruction loss) and each module having 1 to 3 variations (reconstruction loss module -> SSIM, VGG, Masked...). Such a feature would allow me to make the modification of the parameter num_scales at the model level instead of defining two scales for each loss of each loss module. This would reduce the number of files needed by two, keep thing more clear and less error-prone.

shenmishajing commented 2 years ago

@F-Barto Yes, this feature will allow you to do this. But, this is only a fr instead of pr, we have to wait for author @mauvilsa implementing this.

But, if you are using pytorch-lighting, you can see here for a temporary solution.

tshu-w commented 2 years ago

This tough comment is left for my future reference. I saw that jsonargparse supports jsonnet, which supports advanced features such as import and merge, I don't know if it works in jsonargparse, I haven't tried it yet.

shenmishajing commented 2 years ago

@tshu-w Thanks for your reply and suggestion, I will try jsonnet later. And I'm glad to wait for your implementation of this fr.

tshu-w commented 2 years ago

@shenmishajing Hi, after read jsonnet tutorial, I think jsonnet is flexible enough to achieve most of feature you advice. I suggest to use it though there is some small issue with jsonargparser in

shenmishajing commented 2 years ago

@tshu-w Thanks for your reply. I have tried jsonnet as my config file. It is very flexible and powerful, but jsonnet is a Turing complete language and writing jsonnet is just like writing code.

However, jsonnet do not support loop structure and every object of jsonnet is immutable, which makes it hard to change the config frome other when we use the base feature.

Therefore, how about we just support python as config file? like

# some calculation here

config = dict(...)

config=load('').config # We have to define how the func load works, instead of simple eval(). What's your opinion?

tshu-w commented 2 years ago

However, jsonnet do not support loop structure and every object of jsonnet is immutable, which makes it hard to change the config frome other when we use the base feature.

For immutable, maybe you can check Inheritance and Nested Field Inheritance in this section? So far I think jsonnet has been able to meet most of my needs, waiting for practical verification.

mauvilsa commented 2 years ago

Therefore, how about we just support python as config file?

There is the custom-loaders feature, which people could use in their code to load from python if they wish. But python as a config file will not be added to jsonargparse. Some reasons for this are:

mauvilsa commented 2 years ago

I have been following this conversation closely and I am aware of desires and needs from people. However, there are more aspects that I need to consider. For the moment this feature will not be added just yet. For people who really need this now, the pull request illustrates how to get the requested feature as a custom loader, which requires no change in jsonargparse.

The from @F-Barto is an important current limitation. Not sure yet if resolving it with a feature such as this one do something a bit different.

shenmishajing commented 2 years ago

Hi, everyone. I have change this into custom loader mode, so everyone wants to use this can just use code as follow:

import os
import re
from typing import Any, Dict, List

import yaml
from jsonargparse import Path, get_config_read_mode, set_loader
from jsonargparse.loaders_dumpers import yaml_load
from jsonargparse.util import change_to_path_dir
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.cli import LightningArgumentParser, LightningCLI

def deep_update(source, override):
    Update a nested dictionary or similar mapping.
    Modify ``source`` in place.
    if isinstance(source, Dict) and isinstance(override, Dict):
        if '__delete__' in override:
            delete_keys = override.pop('__delete__')
            if isinstance(delete_keys, str):
                delete_keys = [delete_keys]

            if isinstance(delete_keys, list):
                for k in delete_keys:
                    if k in source:
            elif delete_keys:
                return override
        for key, value in override.items():
            if isinstance(value, Dict) and key in source:
                source[key] = deep_update(source[key], value)
                source[key] = override[key]
        return source
    elif isinstance(source, List) and isinstance(override, Dict):
        if '__delete__' in override and override['__delete__'] is True:
            return override

        if 'change_item' in override:
            change_item = override.pop('change_item')
            for index, v in change_item:
                source[index] = deep_update(source[index], v)

        if 'insert_item' in override:
            insert_item = override.pop('insert_item')
            insert_item.sort(key = lambda x: x[0], reverse = True)
            for item in insert_item:
                if len(item) == 3:
                    index, value, extend = item
                    index, value = item
                    extend = False
                if extend:
                    assert isinstance(value, list), 'Cannot extend a non-list'
                    for v in value:
                        source.insert(index, v)
                    source.insert(index, value)

                if '__delete__' in override:
                    if isinstance(override['__delete__'], int):
                        override['__delete__'] = [override['__delete__']]
                    for i in range(len(override['__delete__'])):
                        if override['__delete__'][i] >= index:
                            if extend:
                                override['__delete__'][i] += len(value)
                                override['__delete__'][i] += 1

        if '__delete__' in override:
            delete_keys = override.pop('__delete__')
            if isinstance(delete_keys, int):
                delete_keys = [delete_keys]

            if isinstance(delete_keys, list):
                delete_keys = list({int(d) for d in delete_keys})
                delete_keys.sort(reverse = True)
                for k in delete_keys:
            elif delete_keys:
                return override
        if 'pre_item' in override:
            source = (override['pre_item'] if isinstance(override['pre_item'], list) else [override['pre_item']]) + source
        if 'post_item' in override:
            source = source + (override['post_item'] if isinstance(override['post_item'], list) else [override['post_item']])
        return source
    return override

def get_cfg_from_path(cfg_path):
    fpath = Path(cfg_path, mode = get_config_read_mode())
    with change_to_path_dir(fpath):
        cfg_str = fpath.get_content()
        parsed_cfg = yaml_load(cfg_str)
    return parsed_cfg

def parse_config(cfg_file, cfg_path = None, **kwargs):
    if '__base__' in cfg_file:
        sub_cfg_paths = cfg_file.pop('__base__')
        if sub_cfg_paths is not None:
            if not isinstance(sub_cfg_paths, list):
                sub_cfg_paths = [sub_cfg_paths]
            sub_cfg_paths = [sub_cfg_path if isinstance(sub_cfg_path, list) else [sub_cfg_path, ''] for sub_cfg_path in sub_cfg_paths]
            if cfg_path is not None:
                sub_cfg_paths = [[os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(cfg_path), sub_cfg_path[0])) if not os.path.isabs(
                    sub_cfg_path[0]) else sub_cfg_path[0], sub_cfg_path[1]] for sub_cfg_path in sub_cfg_paths]
            sub_cfg_file = {}
            for sub_cfg_path in sub_cfg_paths:
                cur_cfg_file = parse_path(sub_cfg_path[0], **kwargs)
                for key in sub_cfg_path[1].split('.'):
                    if key:
                        cur_cfg_file = cur_cfg_file[key]
                sub_cfg_file = deep_update(sub_cfg_file, cur_cfg_file)
            cfg_file = deep_update(sub_cfg_file, cfg_file)
    if '__import__' in cfg_file:

    for k, v in cfg_file.items():
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            cfg_file[k] = parse_config(v, cfg_path, **kwargs)
    return cfg_file

def parse_path(cfg_path, seen_cfg = None, **kwargs):
    abs_cfg_path = os.path.abspath(cfg_path)
    if seen_cfg is None:
        seen_cfg = {}
    elif abs_cfg_path in seen_cfg:
        if seen_cfg[abs_cfg_path] is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Circular reference detected in config file')
            return copy.deepcopy(seen_cfg[abs_cfg_path])

    cfg_file = get_cfg_from_path(cfg_path)
    seen_cfg[abs_cfg_path] = None
    cfg_file = parse_config(cfg_file, cfg_path = cfg_path, seen_cfg = seen_cfg, **kwargs)
    seen_cfg[abs_cfg_path] = cfg_file
    return cfg_file

def parse_str(cfg_str, cfg_path = None, seen_cfg = None, **kwargs):
    if seen_cfg is None:
        seen_cfg = {}
    cfg_file = yaml_load(cfg_str)
    if cfg_path is not None:
        abs_cfg_path = os.path.abspath(cfg_path)
        if abs_cfg_path in seen_cfg:
            if seen_cfg[abs_cfg_path] is None:
                raise RuntimeError('Circular reference detected in config file')
                return copy.deepcopy(seen_cfg[abs_cfg_path])
        seen_cfg[abs_cfg_path] = None
    if isinstance(cfg_file, dict):
        cfg_file = parse_config(cfg_file, cfg_path = cfg_path, seen_cfg = seen_cfg, **kwargs)
    if cfg_path is not None:
        seen_cfg[abs_cfg_path] = cfg_file
    return cfg_file

def yaml_with_merge_load(stream, path = None, ext_vars = None):
    config = parse_str(stream, path = path)
    if ext_vars is not None and isinstance(ext_vars, dict) and isinstance(config, dict):
        config = deep_update(config, ext_vars)
    return config

set_loader('yaml_with_merge', yaml_with_merge_load)

class ArgumentParser(LightningArgumentParser):
    def __init__(self, parser_mode: str = 'yaml_with_merge', *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        super().__init__(parser_mode = parser_mode, *args, **kwargs)

class CLI(LightningCLI):
    def init_parser(self, **kwargs: Any) -> LightningArgumentParser:
        """Method that instantiates the argument parser."""
        return ArgumentParser(**kwargs)

Therefore, I will close this issue.

claverru commented 1 month ago

I come from Lightning's issue. Maybe I'm late and something like this already exists.

I would like to have this feature. I have a big config file (~150 lines) and I need to have a slightly different version of it (3-4 lines changed). I need both coexisting, and I need second one changing whenever first one changes.

mauvilsa commented 1 month ago

@claverru from your description I would say that you don't need any fancy feature. In general there is little reason to have two big configs which are almost the same except a few lines. That is why there is the override-order. You should use one big config as base, and then a small one, only modifying what is needed, i.e.: fit --config big_base_config.yaml --config small_config_overrides.yaml