omnidevZero / Old-Google-Logos-And-Icons

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Google Maps #2

Closed Artem13327 closed 10 months ago

toydotgame commented 3 months ago

If anyone stumbles across this issue and wishes to have roughly 2012-era-appropriate Google Maps, you can run this code in the console or as a userscript for *://*/maps*:

// Generic function to run a piece of code once a given querySelector is found in the DOM
function RunWhenReady(selector, code) {
    var loadedElement, isLoaded;
    function GetLoadedElement(mutationInstance = null) {
        try {
            loadedElement = document.querySelector(selector)
        } catch(TypeError) {}
        if(loadedElement != null) {
            if(mutationInstance != null) { // Running in observer:
            } else { // Running in function scope:
                isLoaded = true;

    GetLoadedElement(); // Run check if the element has loaded before the observer can start

    var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations, mutationInstance) {
    observer.observe(document, {childList: true, subtree: true});

// Inject CSS to replace logos on the page:
var styleElement = document.createElement("style");
    .watermark { /* Map view watermark */
        content: url("");
    .watermark.nTFmr { /* Satellite view watermark */
        content: url("");
    .lmygoc { /* Drawer logo */
        content: url("");
    #splash-logo {
        background: url("") no-repeat center;
        background-size: 324px;
RunWhenReady("body", function(loadedElement) {

// Inject a `<link>` tag to change the favicon:
RunWhenReady('link[rel="shortcut icon"', function(loadedElement) {
    var faviconElement = Object.assign(
        {rel: "icon", href: ""}

(Adapted from my code for my own old google logo addon here)