omnilaboratory / obd

OmniBOLT daemon, a golang implementation of OmniBOLT spec, the smart assets lightning network.
MIT License
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Malleability Attack #10

Open neocarmack opened 4 years ago

neocarmack commented 4 years ago

Bitcoin raw transactions are malleable, if without SegWit. That is to say a transaction can be modified, without invalidate it, but without access to the relevant private keys.


So that OBD HTLC transactions built upon omni raw transactions are maleable, one participant ( Alice ) can broadcast a modified elder commitment transaction with totally different TxID without trigger the following ED, BR, HERD transactions, but pays himself the same money.

His counterparty (Bob) has no knowledge of this actitvity, and even if Bob knows, his punishment BR transaction can never be broadcast because Alice broadcaseted an transaction with totally different TxID.

When Omnicore supports SegWit, obd shall update all the currently being constructed transacitons.

neocarmack commented 4 years ago

Segregated Witness Benefits

Bitcoin Magazine article on 2015 Malleability attack


BIP 140 – alternative approach to malleability fixes

Transaction Malleability in the blockchain

DeusNexus commented 3 years ago

Is this Malleability attack fixed?

neocarmack commented 3 years ago

yes. But i will close this issue after omnibolt mainnet launches. Currently we tested on testnet.