omnilaboratory / obd

OmniBOLT daemon, a golang implementation of OmniBOLT spec, the smart assets lightning network.
MIT License
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API naming #2

Closed neocarmack closed 4 years ago

neocarmack commented 4 years ago

In SignUp, the mnemonic word must not be used as an user ID, it's dangours. The only way that mnemonic word can be used is to restore an account.

Use another way to login, dont use mnemonic word.

ChannelAcceptor --> AcceptChannel

SendBitcoin -1009 --> FundingBTC -1009

NotifySendingBitcoin -3400 --> BTCFundingCreated -3400

ResponseSendingBitcoin -3500 --> BTCFundingSigned -3500

SendOmniAsset 2001 --> FundingAsset -2001

NotifySendingOmniAsset -34 -- AssetFundingCreated -34

ResponseSendingOmniAsset -35 --> AssetFundingSigned -35

PaymentInChannle -351 --> Commitment Transaction Created -351

ResponsePaymentInChannel -352 --> Revoke and Acknowledge Commitment Transaction -352

HTLCPayment -40 --> Add HTLC -40
HTLC can be added(created) or forward to the next node in routing. "recipient_peer_id": "" what is this peer id? Here use mnemonic word as UserID?

ResponseHTLCPayment -41 --> HTLC Signed -41 who signs this request? Alice's OBD or the reciever Bob?

SendH2Middleman -42 --> Deprecated ResponseByMiddleman -44 --> Deprecated

SendR -46 --> Forward R -46 ResponseSendR -47 --> Verify R and Create HTLC Tx -47

ResponseCloseHTLC -49 --> CloseHTLC Signed -49

ResponseCloseHtlcChannel --51 --> CloseHtlcChannel Signed --51