omnilaboratory / obd

OmniBOLT daemon, a golang implementation of OmniBOLT spec, the smart assets lightning network.
MIT License
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Compile obd for running on mobile and call by java on android #65

Open neocarmack opened 1 year ago

neocarmack commented 1 year ago

Currently lack of document on compiling mobile node and steps to invock by java side on android. We don't need docker on mobile devices.

The doc must include:

  1. System requiroment. Is the "root" necessary. Maybe a tested device list.
  2. Compilation enviroment preparation: for example: android sdk, gomobile version, makefile, etc.
  3. Commands to compile: correct output, solutions for possible errors.
  4. Package for java developers.
  5. Step-by-step java example code.
wxf4150 commented 1 year ago

already have a docs at: need some update.

@healergyl will add java-android operation

healergyl commented 1 year ago


wxf4150 commented 1 year ago

i have update the doc for obd-android-bind.aar libarary build.