Open plvo opened 1 week ago
Describe the bug Hey, I got this error #257, so I decided to update nextjs to the latest version (15), but I got another runtime error.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Expected behavior
Environment (please complete the following information): The package.json :
{ // ... "scripts": { "dev": "next dev --turbopack", "build": "next build", "start": "next start", "lint": "next lint", "seed": "bun prisma/seed.ts" }, "dependencies": { "@hookform/resolvers": "^3.9.0", "@omnisat/lasereyes": "^0.0.126", "@radix-ui/react-avatar": "^1.1.1", "@radix-ui/react-checkbox": "^1.1.2", "@radix-ui/react-dialog": "^1.1.2", "@radix-ui/react-dropdown-menu": "^2.1.2", "@radix-ui/react-hover-card": "^1.1.2", "@radix-ui/react-icons": "^1.3.0", "@radix-ui/react-label": "^2.1.0", "@radix-ui/react-popover": "^1.1.2", "@radix-ui/react-scroll-area": "^1.2.0", "@radix-ui/react-select": "^2.1.2", "@radix-ui/react-separator": "^1.1.0", "@radix-ui/react-slot": "^1.1.0", "@radix-ui/react-switch": "^1.1.1", "@radix-ui/react-tabs": "^1.1.1", "@radix-ui/react-toast": "^1.2.2", "@radix-ui/react-tooltip": "^1.1.3", "@tanstack/react-query": "^5.59.15", "bcrypt": "^5.1.1", "class-variance-authority": "^0.7.0", "clsx": "^2.1.1", "lucide-react": "^0.453.0", "next": "15.0.3", "next-auth": "^4.24.8", "next-themes": "^0.3.0", "react": "19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106", "react-dom": "19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106", "react-hook-form": "^7.53.0", "tailwind-merge": "^2.5.4", "tailwindcss-animate": "^1.0.7", "zod": "^3.23.8" }, "devDependencies": { "@prisma/client": "^5.21.1", "@tanstack/eslint-plugin-query": "^5.59.7", "@types/bcrypt": "^5.0.2", "@types/node": "^20", "@types/react": "npm:types-react@19.0.0-rc.1", "@types/react-dom": "npm:types-react-dom@19.0.0-rc.1", "eslint": "^8", "eslint-config-next": "15.0.3", "postcss": "^8", "prisma": "^5.21.0", "tailwindcss": "^3.4.1", "typescript": "^5" }, "overrides": { "@types/react": "npm:types-react@19.0.0-rc.1", "@types/react-dom": "npm:types-react-dom@19.0.0-rc.1" } }
Additional context the provider.tsx :
"use client"; import * as React from "react"; import { SessionProvider } from "next-auth/react"; import { ThemeProvider as NextThemesProvider } from "next-themes"; import { type ThemeProviderProps } from "next-themes/dist/types"; import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from "@tanstack/react-query"; import { LaserEyesProvider, MAINNET, } from "@omnisat/lasereyes"; const queryClient = new QueryClient(); export function Providers({ children, ...props }: ThemeProviderProps) { return ( <NextThemesProvider defaultTheme="system" {...props}> <LaserEyesProvider config={{ network: MAINNET }}> <SessionProvider> <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}> {children} </QueryClientProvider> </SessionProvider> </LaserEyesProvider> </NextThemesProvider> ); }
just seen that it's a duplicate of issue #254
lets merge #272, @ufe-pr was working that issue
Describe the bug Hey, I got this error #257, so I decided to update nextjs to the latest version (15), but I got another runtime error.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Expected behavior
Environment (please complete the following information): The
:Additional context the