omniscale / imposm2

Imports OpenStreetMap data into geo databases
Apache License 2.0
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Something wrong with Shapely 1.3 #35

Closed jasonbeverage closed 9 years ago

jasonbeverage commented 10 years ago

Not sure exactly what the problem is but I just installed imposm on a fresh Ubuntu x64 machine and it pulled down Shapely 1.3 from pip. When I went to import any pbf at all it complains about the enforce_dims_geometry being violated. Downgrading to Shapely 1.2.14 fixed things for me. Shapely 1.3 is really new (2 days ago) so it probably hasn't been tested with imposm much if at all.

olt commented 10 years ago

The WKT writer was changed in Shapely 1.3 and it seems that it outputs 3D geometries (eg. POINT(8 50 0)) on some systems. It does work with GEOS 3.4.x and it also does work with Shapely <1.3.

jasonbeverage commented 10 years ago

Right I was able to downgrade Shapely and then imposm worked great.

joaoponceleao commented 9 years ago

Hi, Considering we're at impose release 2.6.0 now, what is the current status here. Should we still be pinning the Shapely requirement to < 1.3?

joaoponceleao commented 9 years ago

Nevermind, Having update impose just now, I see that the Shapely requirement is now >= 1.5. This issue should probably be closed now as solved?

olt commented 9 years ago

It should work with a recent version of Shapely and GEOS. So, I'm closing this.

joaoponceleao commented 9 years ago

I believe this has to be reopened with a recommendation for Shapely==1.5.2. There seem to be issues with 1.5.3.

olt commented 9 years ago

Could you provide more details?

joaoponceleao commented 9 years ago

Oh dear... I noticed this a few days ago but am at 1.5.2 now. Mind you, I'm on a mac, and I believe the 1.5.3 update is mostly about mac-specific bins? Basically, imposm failed with a series of errors when trying to import. Going back to Shapely==1.5.2 took care of the issue. I will do a test import soon and get back to you with the error list.

joaoponceleao commented 9 years ago

Ok. Problem is ValueError: Null geometry supports no operations. Here goes the last part of the length shell output with latest Shapely. This is on a mac with postgres running through postgresql-common.

[2015-01-19 13:21:16,259] imposm.multipolygon - WARNING - error while building multipolygon:
[2015-01-19 13:21:16,259] imposm.multipolygon - ERROR - Null geometry supports no operations
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/joao/.pyenv/versions/imposm/lib/python2.7/site-packages/imposm/", line 146, in build
  File "/Users/joao/.pyenv/versions/imposm/lib/python2.7/site-packages/imposm/", line 221, in build_relation_geometry
    rings.sort(key=lambda x: x.geom.area, reverse=True)
  File "/Users/joao/.pyenv/versions/imposm/lib/python2.7/site-packages/imposm/", line 221, in <lambda>
    rings.sort(key=lambda x: x.geom.area, reverse=True)
  File "/Users/joao/.pyenv/versions/imposm/lib/python2.7/site-packages/shapely/geometry/", line 397, in area
    return self.impl['area'](self)
  File "/Users/joao/.pyenv/versions/imposm/lib/python2.7/site-packages/shapely/", line 55, in __call__
  File "/Users/joao/.pyenv/versions/imposm/lib/python2.7/site-packages/shapely/", line 18, in _validate
    raise ValueError("Null geometry supports no operations")
ValueError: Null geometry supports no operations

[13:21:16] relations: total time 1 s for 383 (365/s)
Assertion failed: (0), function write, file WKBWriter.cpp, line 127.
Assertion failed: (0), function write, file WKBWriter.cpp, line 127.
joaoponceleao commented 9 years ago

PS. I have to quit the terminal to get out. Even a keyboard interrupt won't do any good.

olt commented 9 years ago

Ok, looks like it is related to the new binary packages for Mac OS X. See

olt commented 9 years ago

Shapely 1.5.4 is out and should fix it.

joaoponceleao commented 9 years ago

Yup. Confirmed, everything is smooth now. Thanks for that.

JeongJun-Lee commented 9 years ago

Hello, I had a same issue. Please let me know how to downgrade or upgrade it in ubuntu 12.04 LTS.