omniscale / imposm3

Imposm imports OpenStreetMap data into PostGIS
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Generalized table has not index on OSM ID #200

Closed HansonYip closed 5 years ago

HansonYip commented 5 years ago


When a table has a column with id field type for OSM ID, whose name is not id, for example osm_id, all generalized tables of it have not index on osm_id.

func createIndex(pg *PostGIS, tableName string, columns []ColumnSpec) error {
    foundIDCol := false
    for _, cs := range columns {
        if cs.Name == "id" {
            foundIDCol = true

    for _, col := range columns {
        if col.Type.Name() == "GEOMETRY" {
            sql := fmt.Sprintf(`CREATE INDEX "%s_geom" ON "%s"."%s" USING GIST ("%s")`,
                tableName, pg.Config.ImportSchema, tableName, col.Name)
            step := log.Step(fmt.Sprintf("Creating geometry index on %s", tableName))
            _, err := pg.Db.Exec(sql)
            if err != nil {
                return err
        if col.FieldType.Name == "id" && foundIDCol {
            // Create index for OSM ID required for diff updates, but only if
            // the table does have an `id` column.
            // The explicit `id` column prevented the creation of our composite
            // PRIMARY KEY index of id (serial) and OSM ID.
            sql := fmt.Sprintf(`CREATE INDEX "%s_%s_idx" ON "%s"."%s" USING BTREE ("%s")`,
                tableName, col.Name, pg.Config.ImportSchema, tableName, col.Name)
            step := log.Step(fmt.Sprintf("Creating OSM id index on %s", tableName))
            _, err := pg.Db.Exec(sql)
            if err != nil {
                return err
    return nil

The source shown as below, foundIDCol is always false. This is because the generalized table has no column with name 'id', but its source table does.

olt commented 5 years ago

Thanks for reporting this issue! The foundIDCol check is only valid for regular columns, where 0.8.0 now automatically creates a composite PRIMARY KEY of osm_id and id (serial).

I fixed this for generalized tables with v0.8.1 (576c4b745d03e77294b80b0545acd42f2337a469).