omniscale / imposm3

Imposm imports OpenStreetMap data into PostGIS
Apache License 2.0
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Country border The Netherlands not loaded #266

Open aertsko opened 3 years ago

aertsko commented 3 years ago


After downloading the latest pbf file from The Netherlands ( and importing it with imposm and the settings below, the country border of The Netherlands is not loaded.

tables: admin: columns:

Also loaded as linestring, same behaviour

Expected Behavior

Country border loaded

Actual Behavior

The country border (admin_level 2) is loaded for some smaller parts, but the big one around The Netherlands is missing

Possible Fix

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Dataset:
  2. Settings tables: admin: columns:
    • name: osm_id type: id
    • name: geometry type: geometry
    • key: name name: name type: string
    • name: type type: mapping_value
    • key: admin_level name: admin_level type: integer mapping: boundary:
      • administrative type: polygon
  3. Loaded without any clipping


Your Environment

aertsko commented 3 years ago This one is missing

ImreSamu commented 3 years ago

r2323309 This one is missing

imho: it is expected ; broken border relation in the geofabrik area

probably this (~Caribbean ) part is missing

And Geofabrik europe-netherland part is this: image

The ( admin_level=3 ) has a same problem.

proposed solutions:




ImreSamu commented 3 years ago

Yout can test for the missing ways with the - tools.

$ osmium check-refs -rvi netherlands-latest.osm.pbf  | grep r2323309
[ 0:00] Started osmium check-refs
[ 0:00]   osmium version 1.12.1 (v1.12.1-6-g3182275)
[ 0:00]   libosmium version 2.15.6
[ 0:00] Command line options and default settings:
[ 0:00]   input options:
[ 0:00]     file name: netherlands-latest.osm.pbf
[ 0:00]     file format: 
[ 0:00]   other options:
[ 0:00]     show ids: yes
[ 0:00]     check relations: yes
[ 0:01] Reading nodes...
[ 0:05] Reading ways...
[ 0:08] Reading relations...
w114819318 in r2323309
w82217909 in r2323309
w684830598 in r2323309
w545142126 in r2323309
w545142121 in r2323309
w690052685 in r2323309
w684830594 in r2323309
w522217513 in r2323309
w524066268 in r2323309
w524074069 in r2323309
w42939090 in r2323309
w188099376 in r2323309
w523678741 in r2323309
w188099371 in r2323309
w690052686 in r2323309
w545142113 in r2323309
w545142123 in r2323309
w82212788 in r2323309
w892528328 in r2323309
w246287543 in r2323309
w53599893 in r2323309
w892529909 in r2323309
w81100680 in r2323309
w892529910 in r2323309
r1216719 in r2323309
r1231749 in r2323309
r1231790 in r2323309
There are 113216308 nodes, 15329314 ways, and 171069 relations in this file.
Nodes     in ways      missing: 0
Nodes     in relations missing: 12422
Ways      in relations missing: 155013
Relations in relations missing: 10781
[ 0:09] Memory used for indexes: 1137 MBytes
[ 0:09] Peak memory used: 1724 MBytes
[ 0:09] Done.
