omniscientjs / immstruct

Immutable data structures with history for top-to-bottom properties in component based libraries like React. Based on Immutable.js
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New subscription system for reference cursors #60

Closed tomasd closed 9 years ago

tomasd commented 9 years ago

Reference cursors are now notified about the change also in case when something on the path to the reference is changed.

mikaelbr commented 9 years ago

Thanks! I'll look more into this and test it out locally today, and merge if everything looks good. I should also probably do a performance test.

@andrewluetgers how about your test here?

torgeir commented 9 years ago

This ought to allow for something like, no?

andrewluetgers commented 9 years ago

@tomasd does this resolve #37 ?

tomasd commented 9 years ago

@andrewluetgers Yes, it should be.

dashed commented 9 years ago

@andrewluetgers @tomasd No. It doesn't look like it.

To resolve, something like this would need to be in the test:

        var ref2 = structure.reference(['a', 'b', 'c']);
        ref2.observe(function () { done(); });
andrewluetgers commented 9 years ago

Looks like invoke is dead code now

andrewluetgers commented 9 years ago

Sorry to say it but there is a significant performance regression. This test also does not deal with deeply nested structures so it is not well suited to really put this change to the test, I would assume perf would be even worse with deeply nested structures? At any rate I will need to revamp this test to do just that so we can know for sure.

with current master ~170 fps

with latest changes ~5 fps

andrewluetgers commented 9 years ago

One suggestion, If there is not a fundamental need for using an immutable structure anywhere in your changes, best to opt for native mutable js alternatives in those places.

dashed commented 9 years ago

The performance regression isn't surprising since laziness/shortcut fusion isn't being utilized.

andrewluetgers commented 9 years ago

@Dashed are you implying laziness was being used before or could be? I'm not sure there is much of an opportunity for it here but I'm no expert on that.

Took a look at how it scales as you change the size of the matrix. 10x10 @ 140 fps, 20x20 @ 88 fps, 30x30 @ 44 fps, 40x40 @ 30 fps

mikaelbr commented 9 years ago

I suspected as much. As this iterate much more, it might in cases where there are many listeners get slow. Where we need to improve the performance is at on swap and inside pathCombinations. Those operations are the ones who get called a lot.

mikaelbr commented 9 years ago

If we were to fix the performance issue and extend it to solve #37, it'd be a pretty good day! Will make immstruct a lot more powerful and versatile.

tomasd commented 9 years ago

@andrewluetgers Thank you for the performance report. I'll try to fix it soon. Regarding #37 I've tried example from TLDR and it worked:

describe('xxx', function() {
     it('xxx', function(done) {
         var structure = Structure({
             data: {  }

// this doesn't work as intended. very unexpected when user doesn't know how
// Cursor.from(...) works.
             .reference(['config', 'profile'])
             .observe(function(newObj, oldObj, hotKeyPath) {
                 // no output

// update some object
         structure.cursor().set('config', Immutable.fromJS({
             'profile': 'throwaway',
             'color': 'green'
     })  ;
})  ;

Or is there any other problem which I've missed? Thanks

dashed commented 9 years ago

Ah. I've misread the code for the subscribe function. Yes, you're right, it resolves

However, after looking at the code more closely, there are some things that doesn't seem right.

It seems you're populating this._referencelisteners in a lookup table manner:

{ 'List []': [ [Function: cursorRefresher], [Function: listener] ],
  'List [ "config" ]': [ [Function: cursorRefresher], [Function: listener] ],
  'List [ "config", "profile" ]': [ [Function: cursorRefresher], [Function: listener] ] }

Is there a reason for this? It's probably better to use Immutable.Map as a tree to optimize the constant factor in the lookup operation; and use sentinel values (e.g. LISTENERS = {}) to retrieve the listener set.

Looking at, merging Immutable.Set of listeners at every subset of keyPath doesn't seem like it would scale for long keyPaths imo.

However, when investigating I've thought up a similar solution.

But, I've come to the conclusion that it's best to actually separate the listeners into their respective contexts. To elaborate, at keyPath, there would be two types of listeners:

  1. listeners observing keyPath, and
  2. listeners observing at path where keyPath is a subpath; that is listeners subscribed to the sub-tree of keyPath.

Then, on swap, you traverse keyPath to notify listeners in (1) in this._referencelisteners. When you finally reached the end, just notify listeners in (2) at keyPath.

There are ways to optimize the second step to avoid traversing all the listeners in (2).

tomasd commented 9 years ago

I've pushed optimized version. It gives about 160 fps on my machine (original master was 170fps).

Listeners are now subscribed into path tree index and called when their path has changed.

andrewluetgers commented 9 years ago

Also BRAVO on the refactor :-)

tomasd commented 9 years ago

I've updated the code according to last comments and squashed the commits. Do you need something more for merge?

mikaelbr commented 9 years ago

Great work! I'd still prefer to have the dist to the current released version, not the unstable version. Could you undo the dist?

tomasd commented 9 years ago

Yes, I've just reverted the dist. Hope it's ok now :-)

mikaelbr commented 9 years ago

LGTM. There are some code stylistic changes I'd like to do, but I can refactor the code. @andrewluetgers what do you think? Did you performance test the new changes?

@Dashed Are you happy with the PR? So #37 and #57 will be fixed for this. Are there any tests that we need to add?

andrewluetgers commented 9 years ago

@mikaelbr looks good there is no difference in performance now

mikaelbr commented 9 years ago

Perfect. I did some changes, refactoring and fixed some issues and added more tests. Merged now! Thanks for all your great work, @tomasd , @andrewluetgers and @Dashed! :cake:

This is a great feature!