omnivore-app / obsidian-omnivore

Obsidian plugin to fetch articles and highlights from Omnivore
MIT License
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Where does the metadata go? #109

Closed notuntoward closed 6 months ago

notuntoward commented 11 months ago

In obsidian, I have the article template set to

id: {{{id}}} title: > {{{title}}} {{#author}} author: > {{{author}}} {{/author}} {{#labels.length}} tags: {{#labels}} - {{{name}}} {{/labels}} {{/labels.length}} date_saved: {{{dateSaved}}} {{#datePublished}} date_published: {{{datePublished}}} {{/datePublished}}



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It seems like date_saved and date_published should be stored in the obsidian markdown page, but it's not there. Should it be?

sywhb commented 7 months ago

Hey @notuntoward , sorry for the late reply.

We have moved out the front matter from the article template and you can easily put date_saved and date_published in the front matter settings.

Screenshot 2023-12-10 at 11 39 20 AM
notuntoward commented 6 months ago
