omnivore-app / omnivore

Omnivore is a complete, open source read-it-later solution for people who like reading.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[Feature request] Add an RSS feed to Omnivore using an URL (API) #3965

Open odebroqueville opened 1 month ago

odebroqueville commented 1 month ago

Some browser extensions (e.g. RSS Button for Safari) automatically detect RSS feeds offered by a given website and offer to add the feeds to web-based RSS readers via a Custom URL.

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Currently, it is not possible to use these browser extensions to add RSS feeds to Omnivore.

anarcat commented 1 week ago

this feels like a duplicate of

odebroqueville commented 1 week ago

this feels like a duplicate of

It's not at all the same thing: my understanding is that 409 is a request to obtain RSS feeds for a given article in Omnivore. This request is to be able to add an RSS feed to Omnivore using an URL.