omrajsharma /

Frontend codebase for a coding bootcamp website.
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Student Internal Portal #20

Open omrajsharma opened 3 weeks ago

omrajsharma commented 3 weeks ago

We need to build a student portal.

We can have (more ideas are more welcome)

This task is a big task and will be having multiple components.

This task will help you in learning

Please show your interest in the comment below and let's start learning and building great products

Vaibhaav-Tiwari commented 3 weeks ago

@omrajsharma I would like to work on this topic and would also like to connect to you for further discuss for developing the portal!

Artuiro-23 commented 3 weeks ago

I'm keen to work on this project and come up with the results you expect. Kindly assign me the project. Thankyou.

mukulpythondev commented 3 weeks ago

@omrajsharma I am happy to contribute this project having hands on experience by creating such projects.

SamarupBhattacharya commented 2 weeks ago

I would like to throw my hat in the ring for this as well, pls assign this to me

akjain1509 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @omrajsaharma , I am interested in this and also contributed in ggsoc too. i know the free services to connect with the user and will benefit the core project we can together build a good product in this we can add features like chat systemm amongst students and adaptive learning and test series

harsh-haria commented 2 weeks ago

Hey @omrajsharma, I have 1.5 years of industry experience and currently working with an Ed-Tech startup. I will be able to get this feature done. Can you please assign this issue to me? We can hop on a call to discuss all the in's and out's you want for this feature. One feature i think is a must have is a chat-gpt like LLM(could be done with APIs as well) which could help students to solve their queries.

Adiaparmar commented 2 weeks ago

hi i want to work on the student portal with you. How should we proceed

KunalLorex commented 2 weeks ago

Hii @everyone shall you all make a thread over here for the functionalities or ideas you already thought of .... Also make sure to give a small description regarding this

Shall you all dictate the purpose of those ideas too

Sujal7ss commented 2 weeks ago

hey @omrajsharma take a look at my idea below

Proposed Components:

  1. Profile Page:

    • Features: User profiles with personal information, academic details, progress tracking, and customization options.
    • Front-end: Create forms and profile display sections.
    • Back-end: Develop APIs for profile management (create, read, update, delete).
  2. Problem Solving Section:

    Features: A platform for students to practice coding or subject-related problems, submit solutions, and get feedback.

    • Front-end: Build interfaces for problem listings, submission forms, and feedback display.
    • Back-end: Implement problem storage, submission handling, and feedback mechanisms.
  3. Free Resources:

    Features: Access to study materials, tutorials, e-books, and other educational resources.

    • Front-end: Design resource browsing and search functionalities.
    • Back-end: Manage resource uploads, categorization, and retrieval.
  4. Class Recording:

    Features: A repository of recorded lectures, webinars, and workshops that students can access anytime.

    • Front-end: Create a video library interface with search and filter options.
    • Back-end: Handle video storage, streaming, and metadata management.

Additional Components:

1 .### Discussion Forums: Features: A place for students to discuss topics, ask questions, and collaborate on projects.

  1. Assignment Submission and Grading:

    Features: A system for students to submit assignments and receive grades and feedback.

    • Front-end: Build submission forms and grading display sections.
    • Back-end: Manage submission storage, grading logic, and feedback delivery.
  2. Event Calendar:

    Features: A calendar for scheduling and tracking academic events, deadlines, and reminders.

    • Front-end: Design a calendar interface with event creation and viewing.
    • Back-end: Handle event data storage, reminders, and notifications.
  3. Mentorship Program:

    Features: Pairing students with mentors for guidance and support.

    • Front-end: Create mentor-mentee matching and communication interfaces.
    • Back-end: Implement matching algorithms and communication tools.
Sujal7ss commented 2 weeks ago

@omrajsharma Please devide it into multiple tasks and assign this issue to me under GSSOC label. Thanks & Regards

abhiperfect commented 2 weeks ago

Steps to Create the Frontend Part of the Student Portal

1. Set Up the Project

2. Create Basic Structure

3. Develop Components

4. Additional Features

5. Routing

6. Styling

7. Collaboration

8. Testing

9. Deployment

abhiperfect commented 2 weeks ago

Steps to Create the Backend Part of the Student Portal

1. Choose the Technology Stack

2. Set Up the Project

3. Define the Database Schema

4. Implement Authentication and Authorization

5. Develop RESTful API Endpoints

6. Set Up Middleware

7. Integrate with Frontend

8. Testing

9. Deployment

10. Monitoring and Maintenance

Yuvraj960 commented 1 week ago

@omrajsharma I did like to connect to for discussion on this issue. As I can implement it

Sneha0019 commented 2 days ago

I can make the project as I have already worked on the student Portal as well as teacher Portal too. Assign it to me under GSSOC'24.