omrikiei / ktunnel

A cli that exposes your local resources to kubernetes
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Change namespace #6

Closed DrDonk closed 4 years ago

DrDonk commented 4 years ago

Hi I need to use a different namespace for expose and inject. I see there is a namespace flag but it never seems to work or I have got the command line wrong.

Help text is:

This command accepts a pod/deployment and injects the tunnel sidecar to that artifact, 
            it then establishes a reverse tunnel

  ktunnel inject [command]

Available Commands:
  deployment  Inject server sidecar to a deployment and run the ktunnel client to establish a connection

  -c, --ca-file string                TLS cert auth file
  -h, --help                          help for inject
  -n, --namespace string              Namespace (default "default")
  -s, --scheme string                 Connection scheme (default "tcp")
  -o, --server-host-override string   Server name use to verify the hostname returned by the TLS handshake

Global Flags:
  -p, --port int   The port to use to establish the tunnel (default 28688)
  -t, --tls        Connection uses TLS if true, else plain TCP
  -v, --verbose    Emit debug logs

Use "ktunnel inject [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Is the namespace flag implemented? What is the correct command line order to change namespace?

omrikiei commented 4 years ago

Hey, there is a missing implementation with expose, will shortly release a new minor version with a fix for that what command are you typing for inject?

omrikiei commented 4 years ago

OK notices an issue with the port-forward to the server pod, will issue a fix in the next minor version

omrikiei commented 4 years ago

v1.1.3 has a fix 🍺