omrilotan / isbot

🤖/👨‍🦰 Detect bots/crawlers/spiders using the user agent string
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Update bot pattern to exclude FuboTV OS #229

Closed Tybot204 closed 7 months ago

Tybot204 commented 7 months ago

I was recently evaluating options to exclude bot traffic from some services I manage and came across an exception from sample user agents I was testing against isbot.

Example user agent: fuboTV/4.75.0 (Linux;Android 9; AFTDCT31 Build/PS7664.3772N) FuboPlayer/v1.34.0

This is a TV OS web browser that happens to have boT in it's same, triggering the (?<! cu)bot to match. I added an exception in this rule as a separate negative lookbehind, but can re-write using something like a logical "or" if preferred!

Tybot204 commented 7 months ago

Another alternative I thought about might be useful to exclude all TV OS user agents that happen to have "bot" in their name. I imagine there's not a lot of these anyways and only am aware of the fuboTV OS, but this regex would exclude all "TV" suffixes: (?<! cu)bot(?!v)

omrilotan commented 7 months ago

Thank you for the ticket. I am testing a few combinations to find the appropriate solution

omrilotan commented 7 months ago

Please see

omrilotan commented 7 months ago

Resolved in 4.1.1. Updating from version 3? Please see migration instructions