omsharp / BetterComments

A Visual Studio extension for better comments.
70 stars 27 forks source link

Visual Studio 2022 support? #41

Closed collinbarrett closed 2 years ago

collinbarrett commented 2 years ago

Installed product versions


Is there a version of this extension available or being worked on that is supported in Visual Studio 2022? I love this extension, but the current version in the Marketplace does not seem to support 2022.


SirTwsted commented 2 years ago

Bump +1

farangkao commented 2 years ago

CodeRush from DevExpress does have this Feature (plus more), however CodeRush is not free (but also not expensive) If you don't have ReSharper, then i recommend CodeRush anyway as a helper Addin.

The Feature is called "Rich Comments"

collinbarrett commented 2 years ago

Ah, nice. I'm a ReSharper user. I haven't seen a feature like this in ReSharper, and probably wouldn't want to run it in addition to CodeRush (slow and double/overlapping paid products).

Bengkel commented 2 years ago

I pulled the repo, created a new installer project in VS 2022 and copied all the files from this repo BetterComments folder (except the packages.config and the csproj file) and copied it in the new project. Build and install it. Works fine!

SaschaWeisenberger commented 2 years ago

@Bengkel can you maybe fork this project or describe a bit more in detail what you did?

aristocratos commented 2 years ago

@collinbarrett @SirTwsted @SaschaWeisenberger I've updated BetterComments to build for 2022 in my fork:

Just open the solution, change to release and then build solution. In ".\BetterComments\bin\x64\Release\" you'll find the "BetterComments.vsix" you can install.

SaschaWeisenberger commented 2 years ago

@aristocratos awesome, thanks a lot!

omsharp commented 2 years ago

I've built a version specific for 2022, its available on marketplace now.

Also the repo now has two branches as follows: Branch vs16 : VS2015, VS2017, and VS2019 on a single vsix. Branch vs17 : VS2022 only.