on7lds / NextionDriver

Driver program to connect MMDVMhost with Nextion Displays, adding extra functionality
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Population t18-t22 still not working #24

Closed VE3RD closed 2 years ago

VE3RD commented 2 years ago

Still Not Working for P25 LH: check [click S0,1] on page 4 Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: RX: dim=99 Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: RX: t0.txt="N VE3RD" Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: TX: t0.txt="N VE3RD" Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: NET: t0.txt="N VE3RD" Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: LH: check [t0.txt="N VE3RD"] on page 4 Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: LH: page 4 field 0 is [txt="N VE3RD"] Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: LH: statusval 5 Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: LH Inhibit#012 Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: --- User index search for call 3RD (0 [] - 212946 [[KC2UOW] ) Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: --- User index search for call 3RD (0 [] - 106473 [KF7EJB] ) Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: --- User index search for call 3RD (0 [] - 53236 [HB9BBM] ) Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: --- User index search for call 3RD (0 [] - 26618 [DK7DN] ) Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: --- User index search for call 3RD (0 [] - 13309 [BG9FMC] ) Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: --- User index search for call 3RD (0 [] - 6654 [AB6XS] ) Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: --- User index search for call 3RD (0 [] - 3327 [5V1JE] ) Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: --- User index search for call 3RD (1663 [2E0WSP] - 3327 [5V1JE] ) Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: --- User index search for call 3RD (1663 [2E0WSP] - 2495 [4G1BID] ) Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: --- User index search for call 3RD (2079 [2M0JST] - 2495 [4G1BID] ) Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: --- User index search for call 3RD (2287 [2W0RGL] - 2495 [4G1BID] ) Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: --- User index search for call 3RD (2287 [2W0RGL] - 2391 [4F1NKS] ) Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: --- User index search for call 3RD (2339 [2W1GLY] - 2391 [4F1NKS] ) Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: --- User index search for call 3RD (2339 [2W1GLY] - 2365 [4D1Z] ) Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: --- User index search for call 3RD (2352 [3B8GW] - 2365 [4D1Z] ) Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: --- User index search for call 3RD (2352 [3B8GW] - 2358 [3Z4S] ) Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: --- User index search for call 3RD (2352 [3B8GW] - 2355 [3Z1P] ) Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: --- User index search for call 3RD (2353 [3DA0MF] - 2355 [3Z1P] ) Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: --- User index search for call 3RD (2353 [3DA0MF] - 2354 [3X2021] ) Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: TX: t18.txt="DMRID 3RD" Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: NET: t18.txt="DMRID 3RD" Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: LH: check [t18.txt="DMRID 3RD"] on page 4 Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: LH: page 4 field 18 is [txt="DMRID 3RD"] Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: LH: statusval 5 Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: LH Inhibit#012 Feb 7 12:50:23 pi-star4 NextionDriver: TX: t19.txt="Not found in" Feb 7 12:50:24 pi-star4 NextionDriver: NET: t19.txt="Not found in"

I revised ver 1.24 as follows and had it working &TXbuffer[12] does not work for non DMR modes I added a filter on the TS1,P25,YSF etc blocks such that it would ignore DMR all together and changed all the [&TXbuffer[12] to &TXbuffer[10]

I then duplicated the TS2 block and converted it to TS1

not sure if I broke anything else, but everything I needed was working fine I I wrote a script that returns the info string as follows, /home/pi-star/Scripts/getuserinfo.sh K4WZV Robert|Springhill|Florida|United States This functions in all modes, so will be using this until the driver is repaired

VE3RD commented 2 years ago

I Revised ver1.25 same as I did with the 1.24 and the following tested ok P25, YSF, and DMR TS2. I have no way to test the TS!,and don't use it anyway.

on7lds commented 2 years ago

OK, in any case I am reviewing the whole lookup thing to make it work better for all modes.