on7lds / NextionDriver

Driver program to connect MMDVMhost with Nextion Displays, adding extra functionality
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The killall of Nextion Driver in nextiondriver.service is wiping out the USB port #30

Open jturning opened 1 year ago

jturning commented 1 year ago

I was playing around with W0CHP's PiStar Dashboard, and on updates he brings down the Nextion Driver which wipes out my Nextion Display from the Linux host, /dev/ttyUSB0 goes away. And then it can't find it on restart.

So is there a better way of shutting down the driver then killall in nextiondriver.service?

ExecStop=/usr/bin/killall NextionDriver

on7lds commented 1 year ago

your /dev/ttyUSB0 should not disappear when some service is stopped. Check syslog and dmesg to find out what could be happening.

normal service stop is systemctl stop

f.e. systemctl stop nextiondriver

jturning commented 1 year ago

No clues that I can see.

dmesg syslog termusbmissing