I try to show currents from Black Sea on a map with streamlines.
But all streamlines are same color and they are show on the land, not only on the sea.
The map is here: https://syroco.rmri.ro/earth/index.html
The code from demo.js:
function initDemoMap() {
var Esri_WorldImagery = L.tileLayer(
"SYROCO 2024" +
var Esri_DarkGreyCanvas = L.tileLayer(
"http://{s}.sm.mapstack.stamen.com/" +
"(toner-lite,$fff[difference],$fff[@23],$fff[hsl-saturation@20])/" +
"SYROCO 2024" +
var baseLayers = {
Satellite: Esri_WorldImagery,
"Grey Canvas": Esri_DarkGreyCanvas
var map = L.map("map", {
layers: [Esri_WorldImagery]
var layerControl = L.control.layers(baseLayers);
map.setView([43, 35], 7);
return {
map: map,
layerControl: layerControl
// demo map
var mapStuff = initDemoMap();
var map = mapStuff.map;
var layerControl = mapStuff.layerControl;
// load data (u, v grids)
$.getJSON("blacksea.json", function(data) {
var velocityLayer = L.velocityLayer({
displayValues: true,
displayOptions: {
velocityType: "GBR Water",
position: "bottomleft",
emptyString: "No water data"
data: data,
//minVelocity: -0.01,
maxVelocity: 0.6,
velocityScale: 0.6 // arbitrary default 0.005
layerControl.addOverlay(velocityLayer, "Black Sea Current - Romania");
I try to show currents from Black Sea on a map with streamlines. But all streamlines are same color and they are show on the land, not only on the sea. The map is here: https://syroco.rmri.ro/earth/index.html
The code from demo.js:
My current dataset: (blacksea.json)
[{"header": {"parameterUnit":"m.s-1", "parameterNumber":2, "dx":1.0, "dy":1.0, "parameterNumberName":"U_component_of_current", "la1":80, "la2":-80, "parameterCategory":2, "lo2":379.66, "nx":83, "ny":141, "refTime":"2023-11-07 13:55:00", "lo1":20}, "data":[-0.04,-0.05,-0.05,.....] {"header": {"parameterUnit":"m.s-1", "parameterNumber":3, "dx":1.0, "dy":1.0, "parameterNumberName":"V_component_of_current", "la1":80, "la2":-80, "parameterCategory":2, "lo2":379.66, "nx":83, "ny":141, "refTime":"2023-11-07 13:55:00", "lo1":20}, "data":[....]