onagre-launcher / onagre

A general purpose application launcher for X and wayland inspired by rofi/wofi and alfred
MIT License
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Setting an icon theme doesn't work #17

Closed poperigby closed 3 years ago

poperigby commented 3 years ago

XDG_DATA_DIRS is set to /usr/local/share:/usr/share and I have multiple icon themes in both of those directories, but setting icons to any of them in ~/.config/onagre/config.toml doesn't work.

OS: Arch Linux WM: Sway

oknozor commented 3 years ago

Can you provide a detailed setup so I can reproduce ?

I would need the following :

poperigby commented 3 years ago

Yeah, sure.

Icon theme: Papirus Theme location: /usr/share/icons/Papirus Contents of config.toml:

icons = "Papirus"

I also tried Adwaita and Breeze icons.

oknozor commented 3 years ago

@PopeRigby, I have tried to reproduce without success.

I have updated the debug trace so we can see what is happening here. Can you update onagre, run in debug mode and send the debug trace here :

cargo install --git https://github.com/oknozor/onagre
RUST_LOG=onagre=debug onagre &> trace
poperigby commented 3 years ago

Sure. Here you go: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QSrdfhWXp9/

oknozor commented 3 years ago

@PopeRigby seems your config is not loaded at all, the config load error should now print to stderr. You can update again and you should be able to troubleshot this without debug mode. Let me know how it goes.

poperigby commented 3 years ago

Ok, it gives me this error:

Unable to load config file : Config format error : missing field `modes`
oknozor commented 3 years ago

Fixed in 77f0663aeaa2b2ca7d1e78593402b976eef0d46c, you can update and icons will work :)

poperigby commented 3 years ago


poperigby commented 3 years ago

Weird, still doesn't work, but Onagre does seem to be finding the icon theme now:

[2020-11-27T22:39:34Z DEBUG onagre::freedesktop::icons] building icon finder for theme "Papirus"
[2020-11-27T22:39:34Z DEBUG onagre::freedesktop::icons] Initializing icon finder with icon theme path "/usr/share/icons/Papirus"
[2020-11-27T22:39:34Z DEBUG onagre::freedesktop::icons] Initializing icon finder with parent/fallback icon paths ["/usr/share/icons/breeze", "/usr/share/icons/hicolor"]
oknozor commented 3 years ago

What if you remove $HOME/.cache/onagre-drun and retry ?

poperigby commented 3 years ago

There we go, that fixes it. Thanks!