This is based on this vulnerability report that shows most of the vulnerabilities are related to the base image. Requesting if the version can be rebuild using latest supported node images to fix some of the vulnerabilities. The expectation is at least to fix all critical and high vulnerabilities on the enketo deployments we support
Strategies (Kindly assign LoE to execute) :
[ ] Update the node base image to run the latest supported node:14
[ ] Update the node base image to run the latest supported node:16
[ ] (Optimal)Use the latest slim versions e.g. buster-slim or alpine
This is based on this vulnerability report that shows most of the vulnerabilities are related to the base image. Requesting if the version can be rebuild using latest supported node images to fix some of the vulnerabilities. The expectation is at least to fix all critical and high vulnerabilities on the enketo deployments we support
Strategies (Kindly assign LoE to execute) :