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John Lunn #5 #17

Open KeithAtherton opened 11 months ago

gsuttie commented 10 months ago

Keith - Welcome to On Air in the Cloud, the podcast where we interview people working with technology in interesting ways. This episode is number 5 and you are joined by Gregor Suttie, Matt Boyd, and Keith Atherton. In this episode, we are going to speak to John Lunn... John welcome please introduce yourself.

Matt - Azure Specialist @Microsoft what does that entail and do you enjoy it? Gregor - How much of a firehose is it when you first join Microsoft? Keith - Is it hard finding time to do the Welsh Aure User Group and other content outside of your full-time job?

Matt - What's the best and worst parts of the job? - Are you living the dream? Gregor - Whats the most interesting tech you've either talked to a customer about or used of late? Keith - Your Jonnychipz YouTube channel is one of my favourites. You have various formats such as Jonnychipz Weekly, In Conversation with, and Schooled In. What do you enjoy the most?

Matt - Were you worried about the layoffs at Microsoft? Gregor - How is the ice hockey-playing son getting on, Welsh wizard is he? Keith - You get hands on with lots of different gadgets such as various Elgato equipment, drones and so on. Are there any gadgets that you're trying out atm?

Keith - Thank you John for joining us today. Where can people follow you online? Thank you everyone for joining us. See you all next time, take care.