ondato / ondato-sdk-android

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FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MEDIA_PROJECTION causing playstore to reject updates #14

Open HansCraftsman opened 4 days ago

HansCraftsman commented 4 days ago

Version of the ondato-sdk-android 2.5.4

Platforms - Android

Steps to reproduce Build appbundle Upload to Google Play Gets rejected

Expected results We only use the document verification service. How do I disable FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MEDIA_PROJECTION from the manifest? Actual results FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MEDIA_PROJECTION causing playstore to reject updates.

After updating the SDK for Flutter to version 0.5.0 (internal package ondato-sdk-android 2.5.4), Android apps are rejected by Google Play and require you to explain the use of android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MEDIA_PROJECTION and send a video using this service.

Is it possible to put the use of a function using android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MEDIA_PROJECTION in a separate module so that it can be excluded using a similar construction:

// build.gradle (project-level)


configurations.configureEach {
 exclude group: "com.kyc.ondato.ondato_flutter", module: "module_using_foreground_service_permission"
Svaike commented 4 days ago

Hi, added demo file to integration documentation that you can download and share with play store: https://ondato.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PUB/pages/2334359560/Customer+onboarding+KYC+mobile+SDK+integration#Google-Play-Store-rejection

let me know if it resolves your issue with them

Svaike commented 4 days ago

The mentioned service's purpose is to record the identity verification process for the cases where local authorities require it. If it's running for the specific application it is controlled via API configuration.

If you send me the info (svajunas.gaina@ondato.com) about the client that uses SDK, then I will check if this functionality is enabled for your use case.

HansCraftsman commented 4 days ago

Thanks, let's try it. Is it normal that the video uses ios graphics, not android?

Svaike commented 4 days ago

We'll prepare the demo flow with Android graphics if it does not go through. There was another similar case with Play Store and it was sufficient to provide this demo.