ondato / ondato-sdk-ios

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verificationId & identificationId #12

Open GitLTECH opened 5 days ago

GitLTECH commented 5 days ago


We have updated the SDK version to 2.5.5 and get an issue:

SDK delegate methods

func flowDidSucceed(identificationId: String?) {}
func flowDidFail(identificationId: String?, error: OndatoServiceError) {}

returns the same identificationId as we requested from the server and provided to initializer method here:

Ondato.sdk.setIdentityVerificationId("<Verification Id>”)

For example:

let verificationId = “eddb63c0-6e96-46f5-ae5b-1e2475451935”

// Next OndatoFlow

func flowDidSucceed(identificationId: String?) {
    print(“identificationId”, identificationId)

    // identificationId eddb63c0-6e96-46f5-ae5b-1e2475451935

Is this correct behavior? If not, how to solve the issue?

Our server not verify identificationId from flowDidSucceed method

ondato-mobile commented 3 days ago

This is expected.

GitLTECH commented 3 days ago

We have checked the SDK for Android Android SDK returns the Id from https://sandbox-idvs.ondato.com/v1/kyc-identifications method response. Then we send this id to our server and it successfully verified

iOS SDK works in different way. We cannot get kyc-identifications for iOS and cannot verify Id with our server