ondato / ondato-sdk-react-native

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SDK closes by itself while opening in iOS #6

Closed santoshiKumari28 closed 2 weeks ago

santoshiKumari28 commented 2 weeks ago

sdk is working fine in android but when I try to open it in iOS device it closes automatiucally without any error. Using sdk version 2.5.3 We got following logs in state:

{"load": {"identificationId": "b9a7e101-2bfc-4b16-a45f-4eda6a462660"}, "message": "An unexpected internal error occurred.", "status": "Failed"}

Svaike commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @santoshiKumari28,

when was b9a7e101-2bfc-4b16-a45f-4eda6a462660 session created? Keep in mind that in the sandbox environment data is hard deleted after 7days and for each user session a new IDV ID must be created.

antiergit commented 2 weeks ago

@Svaike we are creating a new session every time we try to open sdk and also it is working fine for android, so the issue must be something else.

Svaike commented 2 weeks ago

@antiergit @santoshiKumari28 I think I found the reason: you've created b9a7e101-2bfc-4b16-a45f-4eda6a462660 session in the production environment, but tried to start the user flow in the sandbox.

santoshiKumari28 commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks @Svaike. This resolved the issue.

@antiergit @santoshiKumari28 I think I found the reason: you've created b9a7e101-2bfc-4b16-a45f-4eda6a462660 session in the production environment, but tried to start the user flow in the sandbox.