Closed dcsim closed 2 years ago
On page xvii of thesis.pdf there is a spacing issue beginning with the first caption spanning multiple lines (Table 2.3).
Appending % to the end of every line ending in { or } within \renewcommand\listoftables{% and \renewcommand\listoffigures{% solves the issue.
%===== LOT PAGE SETTINGS ===== - SBÖ \renewcommand\listoftables{% %\vspace*{\ChapterUstenBosluk} % This is not effective - SBÖ {\chapter*{\listtablename}% \vspace*{-18pt}% \renewcommand{\ULdepth}{4pt}% % Added using ulem package for \uline command - SBÖ \renewcommand{\ULthickness}{1.5pt}% % Added for underline tickness change which was 0.4pt - SBÖ \if@Ingilizce\hfill\vspace*{0truecm}{\bf\uline{Page}}~\else~\hfill\vspace*{0truecm}{\bf\uline{Sayfa}}\fi}\\ % \let\orig@numberline\numberline \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\listtablename}{\MakeUppercase\listtablename}% \renewcommand*{\numberline}[1]{% \orig@numberline{\bf\tablename\ ##1}\hspace{-8pt}{\bf:}\hspace{4pt}}% Better spacing - SBÖ \addcontentsline{toc}{part}{\bf{\protect\listtablenameToC}}% \setlength{\th@oldparskip}{\parskip}% \setlength{\parskip}{\LoTparskip}% \@starttoc{lot}% \setlength{\parskip}{\th@oldparskip}% \let\numberline\orig@numberline }
Ah. TeX turns end of line into a space. Will merge the request soon. Thanks.
On page xvii of thesis.pdf there is a spacing issue beginning with the first caption spanning multiple lines (Table 2.3).
to the end of every line ending in{
solves the issue.