Open Thmas47051 opened 8 years ago
Solved. The trick was: rdr2 = RFID.RFID("/dev/spidev0.0",pin_ce=24) rdr1 = RFID.RFID("/dev/spidev0.1",pin_ce=26)
Bye, Thomas ` import RFID import signal import time
run = True
rdr2 = RFID.RFID("/dev/spidev0.0",pin_ce=24) rdr1 = RFID.RFID("/dev/spidev0.1",pin_ce=26)
def end_read(signal,frame): global run print ("\nCtrl+C captured, ending read.") run = False rdr1.cleanup() rdr2.cleanup()
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, end_read)
print ("\nStarting") while run: print("\n**") (error, data) = rdr1.request() if not error: print ("\nDetected: " + format(data, "02x"))
(error, uid) = rdr1.anticoll()
if not error:
print ("Card read UID IN : "+str(uid[0])+","+str(uid[1])+","+str(uid[2])+","+str(uid[3]))
(error, data) = rdr2.request()
if not error:
print ("\nDetected: " + format(data, "02x"))
(error, uid) = rdr2.anticoll()
if not error:
print ("Card read UID OUT : "+str(uid[0])+","+str(uid[1])+","+str(uid[2])+","+str(uid[3]))
still not working ,for help,readers cant read the tag data
i use gpio expansion board to set up two readers in one raspberry ,but the program not work
please help ....
@EVENFATE I present a solution here:
@ondryaso I guess this issue can be closed.
You forgot the rst pin.
rdr1 = RFID.RFID(device=0, pin_ce=24, pin_rst=22) rdr2 = RFID.RFID(device=1, pin_ce=26, pin_rst=18)
edit: is the rst pin required? Can you chain them? I've seen some wiring rst together...
Hi, using one reader (spidev0.0 and spidev0.1) in one program works (
Two readers are not working. Only the first initialized is working. Any idea?
`import RFID import signal import time
run = True rdr0 = RFID.RFID("/dev/spidev0.1") rdr1 = RFID.RFID("/dev/spidev0.0") util1 = rdr1.util() util1.debug = True util0 = rdr0.util() util0.debug = True
def end_read(signal,frame): global run print ("\nCtrl+C captured, ending read.") run = False rdr0.cleanup() rdr1.cleanup()
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, end_read)
print ("Starting") while run: (error, data) = rdr0.request()