ondryaso / pi-rc522

Raspberry Pi Python library for SPI RFID RC522 module
MIT License
417 stars 149 forks source link

Requesting serial(UART) RC522 for Arduino #24

Closed cyberjupiter closed 7 years ago

cyberjupiter commented 7 years ago

Hi there.

I see that you only code for Python. I hope you code one for Arduino also.

Thank you.

faultylee commented 7 years ago

@cyberjuputer There's already existing library for Arduino using SPI. See http://playground.arduino.cc/Learning/MFRC522 https://github.com/miguelbalboa/rfid

cyberjupiter commented 7 years ago

@faultylee Hi there. I know that and I have used that one before. However I need the one that uses Serial communication instead of SPI. I clearly do not know how to write the library myself.

faultylee commented 7 years ago

I think it makes more sense to ask from miguelbalboa rather than here, since you're looking for the same RC522 functionality for Arduino but via serial. As far as I understand the protocol is the same, just need to send the same byte stream via serial instead of SPI. Porting python to Arduino requires duplicating unnecessary code already exist in https://github.com/miguelbalboa/rfid