one-aalam / remix-starter-kit

Remix with brilliant bells and useful whistles
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Auth with providers (e.g. Google/GitHub) #2

Closed bernatfortet closed 2 years ago

bernatfortet commented 2 years ago

What would need to change to login with an oAuth provider, e.g. Google/GitHub?

one-aalam commented 2 years ago

Hey @bernatfortet this starter kit is Supabase focussed. If you want to use any of the oAuth providers listed here you can follow any of the guides mentioned in the Supabase docs like Google or Github, and introduce a button, somewhere in the AuthForm component, or the Auth page and call

const { user, session, error } = await supabase.auth.signIn({
  provider: 'github', // or, google
bernatfortet commented 2 years ago

Thanks 👍