Open andrew-sol opened 5 months ago
The workaround I discovered:
/Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/PhpStorm2024.1/plugins/one-dark-theme/lib
(I use the "vivid" theme variant, open one_dark.theme.json
if you use the default one)"selectionInactiveBackground": "#4d78cc"
folder, run in terminal:
jar cf one-dark-theme-5.11.0.jar -C one-dark-theme-5.11.0 .
Now the inactive selection has the same bright color as the active one. But will have to repeat the actions after each plugin update.
Look at the screenshots and try to find the currently open file in the project tree visually (the focus is on the editor pane). It's barely possible because it's grey on grey. The same applies to the open tabs. And those colors are not configurable.
I have the "Always select opened file" setting enabled to be able to find the sibling files to the current one quickly and I always get stuck with this theme.
Please make the colors configurable (maybe via a project file like
) or make those colors more vivid. What I want to achieve is to find the current file in the project tree within 0.5s or faster.Environment