[ ] new game needs confirm before discarding changes, bypass with shift
[ ] preview a bit of the fewshot instructions
From aidg/aetherroom
[ ] Add import wizard button
[ ] would be super cool to have a browser, looks like there's no api for searching, we have 3 options:
Each client scrapes the data itself at the user's request (Downside: we would be doing this with regex since we dont want to add a ton of deps just for one feature, they would probably break easily. Also, somewhat questionable to be doing this outside of personal data scraping projects)
We host our own api server using the db backups from the club (Downside: we have to host a centralized server and maintain it)
we make the user download backup.db onto their machine (downsides: its a hundred or so megs, pretty big. also questionable server load)
From presets
[ ] maybe concedo will let us use the kai lite ones if we ask nicely? :slightly_smiling_face:
From aidg/aetherroom
From presets