oneaiguru / GenAICodeUpdater

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base prompt for test + code #4

Open oneaiguru opened 7 hours ago

oneaiguru commented 7 hours ago

Creating Effective Prompts to Generate Both Code and Tests

Based on your request, I've reviewed the provided code and extracted inspiration from the prompts used. Below, I've outlined several potential prompt formulations to instruct the LLM to generate both code and corresponding tests. These prompts are prioritized to help you quickly find an effective one.

1. Direct Instruction Prompt


"Please update the following code to include necessary imports and ensure functionality. Additionally, generate comprehensive unit tests for the updated code."


2. Explicit Code and Test Generation Prompt


"You are a diligent and thorough assistant. For any code you provide, always include the complete implementation along with corresponding unit tests. Do not leave any parts unimplemented or as comments."


3. Code and Tests in Separate Sections Prompt


"I have added the following files to the chat for you to edit. Please make the necessary changes to the code, and then provide the updated code and its unit tests in separate sections, clearly labeled."


4. Emphasizing Complete Implementation Prompt


"You NEVER leave comments describing code without implementing it! Always provide the fully implemented code and the complete set of unit tests needed to verify its correctness."


5. Step-by-Step Code and Test Generation Prompt


"For the code changes requested, first provide the updated code, and then generate the corresponding unit tests. Ensure that the tests cover all important functionalities and edge cases."


6. Use of Code Fencing Prompt


**"Update the code below, and include the unit tests. Use code fences to clearly separate the code and tests, like so:


Updated Code

... ```


Unit Tests

... ```"**


7. Instruction with Emphasis on Completeness Prompt


"Implement all the required code changes and generate all necessary tests. Do not omit any details or leave any placeholders. Ensure that both the code and tests are fully functional and ready to use."


8. Role-playing Prompt


"You are an expert software engineer who writes both code and tests. When given a code snippet, you will update it as needed and also write comprehensive unit tests to accompany it. Provide both the updated code and the tests."


9. Reminder of Files to Edit Prompt


"The following files have been added to the chat for you to edit. Trust these as the true contents. Please make the necessary updates to the code and create corresponding unit tests for each file."


10. Prompt Highlighting Test Generation


"In addition to updating the code, generate all tests for any code you provide. Ensure the tests are thorough and cover all possible cases."



Start with Prompt 1 or Prompt 2, as they explicitly instruct the LLM to generate both code and tests, and are inspired by the lazy_prompt and files_content_prefix in your provided code.

Additional Tips:

Example of Combining Prompts:

You can also combine elements from multiple prompts for a more tailored instruction.

Combined Prompt:

"You are a diligent and thorough assistant. Please update the following code, ensuring all necessary imports and functionality are included. After updating, provide comprehensive unit tests that cover all important functionalities and edge cases. Use code fences to separate the updated code and the tests for clarity."

I hope these prompts help you quickly find an effective way to instruct the LLM to generate both code and tests. Feel free to adjust them to better fit your specific needs. Let me know if you need further assistance or additional suggestions.

oneaiguru commented 7 hours ago


Understood. I'll review the code you've provided, outline the process it performs when executed, and focus on crafting prompts that emphasize the required output format. This way, the LLM will produce code in the specific format your updater expects.

Overview of the Code Updater Process

The code you've shared seems to be part of a system designed to update code files based on LLM outputs. Here's a breakdown of the process:

1. Parsing Code Blocks

2. Extracting File Paths and Code Content

3. Updating Files

Emphasis on Output Format

Given this process, it's crucial that the LLM's output adheres strictly to the expected format. The updater relies on this format to correctly parse and update the code files.

Required Output Format

Crafting the Prompt

To ensure the LLM produces output in the required format, the prompt should:

Suggested Prompt

**"Please update the code as specified, ensuring that your output strictly follows this format:

  • Start with an empty line.
  • For each file, include a header line exactly in this format:
    ########## /full/path/to/ ##########

    (Replace /full/path/to/ with the actual file path.)

  • Immediately after the header line, provide the updated code for that file.
  • Do not include any additional text, explanations, or code fences.

Here are the files that need to be updated:

[Insert the code or descriptions of changes needed]

Remember, the correctness of the output format is essential for the updater to process the code correctly."**


Example of the LLM's Expected Output

Assuming we asked the LLM to update and utils/, the output should look like:

########## /path/to/project/ ##########
# Updated code for
def main():
    print("Hello, World!")

########## /path/to/project/utils/ ##########
# Updated code for
def helper_function():
    return True

Additional Tips

By focusing on the output format in your prompt and providing clear, explicit instructions, you can guide the LLM to produce code that integrates seamlessly with your updater.

Let me know if you need further assistance or if there's anything else you'd like to clarify.

oneaiguru commented 5 hours ago

best for my comments format

Understood. Let's focus on crafting a prompt that instructs the LLM to produce code in your specific format.

Your Desired Output Format

You prefer the LLM to output code in the following format:

Example Format

# path/to/
<code for file1>

# path/to/
<code for file2>

# path/to/
<code for file3>

Understanding the Code Updater Process

Your code updater script scans through the LLM's output and looks for lines that start with a # followed by a file path. It then:

Crafting the Prompt

To ensure the LLM outputs code in the required format, we need to:

Suggested Prompt

**"Please update the following code files as specified. Ensure that your output strictly follows this format:

  • For each file:
    • Start with a single-line comment containing the file path, like:
      # path/to/
    • Immediately after the comment, provide the updated code for that file.
  • Do not include any additional text, explanations, or code fences.
  • Separate multiple files by repeating the header format.

Here are the changes needed:

  1. /path/to/

    • [Describe the changes or provide the code to update]
  2. /path/to/

    • [Describe the changes or provide the code to update]

Remember, it's crucial to follow the exact output format so the updater can process the files correctly."**


Example of Expected LLM Output

Assuming you want to update and utils/

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
from fnmatch import fnmatch

def main():
    print("Hello, World!")

# utils/
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
from fnmatch import fnmatch

def helper_function():
    return True

Additional Tips

Incorporating Your Existing Code

Since you have a script that updates comments with file names, and the LLM usually provides code in that format, reinforcing this in the prompt will help maintain consistency.


By crafting your prompt with clear, explicit instructions and emphasizing the required output format, you can guide the LLM to produce code that aligns with your updater's expectations. This ensures a smoother code update process and minimizes parsing errors.

Let me know if you'd like further assistance or any adjustments to the prompt.