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Research: 16bits InnoSetup stub fails under Windows Server 2008 #95

Closed luislavena closed 11 years ago

luislavena commented 12 years ago

As reported in #94, seems InnoSetup and DevKit SFX both suffer from startup issues due 16bits API perhaps?

Will be great to determine what is the issue and solve it.

petemounce commented 11 years ago

@luislavena Apologies for massive delay. I have just tried out the 1.9.3-p194 rubyinstaller on an EC2 windows-2008-x64-server-core instance in AWS and it worked flawlessly.

Differences since #94

Note also I didn't have to do

Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:ServerCore-WOW64

to get this far.

Also, I have not installed any windows updates after launching the instance.

I've tried DevKit too (see updated gist) and that worked fine too.

petemounce commented 11 years ago

I've just run dism /online /get-features on said instance and discovered that ServerCore-WOW64 is enabled already - so that's a difference from the AMI last year.


C:\Users\Administrator>dism /online /get-features /format:table

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 6.1.7600.16385

Image Version: 6.1.7600.16385

Features listing for package : Microsoft-Windows-ServerCore-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.1.7601.175

----------------------------------------------------------- | --------
Feature Name                                                | State
----------------------------------------------------------- | --------
NetworkLoadBalancingHeadlessServer                          | Disabled
FailoverCluster-Core                                        | Disabled
FailoverCluster-Core-WOW64                                  | Disabled
WindowsServerBackup                                         | Disabled
WindowsServerBackupCommandlet                               | Disabled
MultipathIo                                                 | Disabled
SUACore                                                     | Disabled
SUACore-WOW64                                               | Disabled
DNS-Server-Core-Role                                        | Disabled
DirectoryServices-DomainController-ServerFoundation         | Disabled
DirectoryServices-ADAM-ServerCore                           | Disabled
ActiveDirectory-PowerShell                                  | Disabled
FRS-Infrastructure                                          | Disabled
BitLocker                                                   | Disabled
BitLocker-RemoteAdminTool                                   | Disabled
ClientForNFS-Base                                           | Disabled
ServerForNFS-Base                                           | Disabled
DFSR-Infrastructure-ServerEdition                           | Disabled
DHCPServerCore                                              | Disabled
SNMP-SC                                                     | Disabled
DFSN-Server                                                 | Disabled
TelnetClient                                                | Disabled
IIS-WebServerRole                                           | Disabled
IIS-WebServer                                               | Disabled
IIS-CommonHttpFeatures                                      | Disabled
IIS-StaticContent                                           | Disabled
IIS-DefaultDocument                                         | Disabled
IIS-DirectoryBrowsing                                       | Disabled
IIS-HttpErrors                                              | Disabled
IIS-HttpRedirect                                            | Disabled
IIS-WebDAV                                                  | Disabled
IIS-ApplicationDevelopment                                  | Disabled
IIS-NetFxExtensibility                                      | Disabled
IIS-ASPNET                                                  | Disabled
IIS-ASP                                                     | Disabled
IIS-CGI                                                     | Disabled
IIS-ISAPIExtensions                                         | Disabled
IIS-ISAPIFilter                                             | Disabled
IIS-ServerSideIncludes                                      | Disabled
IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics                                    | Disabled
IIS-HttpLogging                                             | Disabled
IIS-LoggingLibraries                                        | Disabled
IIS-RequestMonitor                                          | Disabled
IIS-HttpTracing                                             | Disabled
IIS-CustomLogging                                           | Disabled
IIS-ODBCLogging                                             | Disabled
IIS-Security                                                | Disabled
IIS-BasicAuthentication                                     | Disabled
IIS-WindowsAuthentication                                   | Disabled
IIS-DigestAuthentication                                    | Disabled
IIS-ClientCertificateMappingAuthentication                  | Disabled
IIS-IISCertificateMappingAuthentication                     | Disabled
IIS-URLAuthorization                                        | Disabled
IIS-RequestFiltering                                        | Disabled
IIS-IPSecurity                                              | Disabled
IIS-Performance                                             | Disabled
IIS-HttpCompressionStatic                                   | Disabled
IIS-HttpCompressionDynamic                                  | Disabled
IIS-WebServerManagementTools                                | Disabled
IIS-ManagementScriptingTools                                | Disabled
IIS-ManagementService                                       | Disabled
IIS-IIS6ManagementCompatibility                             | Disabled
IIS-Metabase                                                | Disabled
IIS-WMICompatibility                                        | Disabled
IIS-LegacyScripts                                           | Disabled
IIS-FTPServer                                               | Disabled
IIS-FTPSvc                                                  | Disabled
IIS-FTPExtensibility                                        | Disabled
WAS-WindowsActivationService                                | Disabled
WAS-ProcessModel                                            | Disabled
WAS-NetFxEnvironment                                        | Disabled
WAS-ConfigurationAPI                                        | Disabled
IIS-HostableWebCore                                         | Disabled
WINS-SC                                                     | Disabled
Printing-ServerCore-Role                                    | Disabled
Printing-LPDPrintService                                    | Disabled
Printing-ServerCore-Role-WOW64                              | Disabled
ServerCore-EA-IME                                           | Enabled
ServerCore-EA-IME-WOW64                                     | Disabled
QWAVE                                                       | Disabled
NetFx2-ServerCore                                           | Enabled
NetFx2-ServerCore-WOW64                                     | Enabled
NetFx3-ServerCore                                           | Enabled
WCF-HTTP-Activation                                         | Disabled
WCF-NonHTTP-Activation                                      | Disabled
NetFx3-ServerCore-WOW64                                     | Enabled
MicrosoftWindowsPowerShell                                  | Enabled
MicrosoftWindowsPowerShell-WOW64                            | Enabled
ServerManager-PSH-Cmdlets                                   | Disabled
BestPractices-PSH-Cmdlets                                   | Disabled
PeerDist                                                    | Disabled
Microsoft-Hyper-V                                           | Disabled
VmHostAgent                                                 | Disabled
CertificateServices                                         | Disabled
SMBHashGeneration                                           | Disabled
ServerMigration                                             | Disabled
ServerCore-WOW64                                            | Enabled
FSRM-Infrastructure-Core                                    | Disabled
LightweightServer                                           | Disabled
CoreFileServer                                              | Disabled
Microsoft-Windows-Web-Services-for-Management-IIS-Extension | Disabled

The operation completed successfully.
luislavena commented 11 years ago

Awesome @petemounce thanks for the report (sorry about my delay)

Closing this out based on your feedback.