I can log into the grafana container and use netcat to verify that the containers in the prometheus compose file can ping and access sonarr at the url http://sonarr:8989 and radarr at http://radarr:7878What steps did you take and what happened:
What did you expect to happen:
I expected to be able to connect my exportarr instances to sonarr and radarr but the containers just exit with this:
url: URL must be a valid URL address
2024-05-26T19:28:36.182Z INFO Starting exportarr {"app_name": "exportarr", "version": "v2.0.1", "buildTime": "2024-04-05T14:12:42.362Z", "revision": "e8b408abb11c9e0d440b9e51a86e5be8875c45b5"}
exportarr radarr [flags]
I have two docker-compose files one for my media server which includes sonarr and radarr and one for my prometheus which includes exportarr.
Here is a snippet of the compose files:
` Then my prometheus compose.yaml:
` I can log into the grafana container and use netcat to verify that the containers in the prometheus compose file can ping and access sonarr at the url http://sonarr:8989 and radarr at http://radarr:7878 What steps did you take and what happened:
What did you expect to happen: I expected to be able to connect my exportarr instances to sonarr and radarr but the containers just exit with this:
Anything else you would like to add:
Additional Information: