Closed carpenike closed 4 years ago
terraform apply
SuccessWorkflow: Azure E2E
, Action: hashicorpterraform-github-actions5
, Working Directory: test/terraform
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terraform plan
SuccessShow Output
``` An execution plan has been generated and is shown below. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: + create Terraform will perform the following actions: # azurerm_resource_group.k3s-bootstrap-rg will be created + resource "azurerm_resource_group" "k3s-bootstrap-rg" { + id = (known after apply) + location = "eastus2" + name = "k3s-bootstrap" + tags = (known after apply) } # will be created + resource "azurerm_subnet" "k3s-bootstrap-subnet" { + address_prefix = "" + enforce_private_link_endpoint_network_policies = false + enforce_private_link_service_network_policies = false + id = (known after apply) + ip_configurations = (known after apply) + name = "default" + resource_group_name = "k3s-bootstrap" + virtual_network_name = "k3s-bootstrap-vnet" } # will be created + resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "k3s-bootstrap-vnet" { + address_space = [ + "", ] + id = (known after apply) + location = "eastus2" + name = "k3s-bootstrap-vnet" + resource_group_name = "k3s-bootstrap" + tags = (known after apply) + subnet { + address_prefix = (known after apply) + id = (known after apply) + name = (known after apply) + security_group = (known after apply) } } #["k3s-bootstrap-0"] will be created + resource "azurerm_network_interface" "k3s-bootstrap-nic" { + applied_dns_servers = (known after apply) + dns_servers = (known after apply) + enable_accelerated_networking = false + enable_ip_forwarding = false + id = (known after apply) + internal_dns_name_label = (known after apply) + internal_fqdn = (known after apply) + location = "eastus2" + mac_address = (known after apply) + name = "k3s-bootstrap-0-nic" + network_security_group_id = (known after apply) + private_ip_address = (known after apply) + private_ip_addresses = (known after apply) + resource_group_name = "k3s-bootstrap" + tags = (known after apply) + virtual_machine_id = (known after apply) + ip_configuration { + application_gateway_backend_address_pools_ids = (known after apply) + application_security_group_ids = (known after apply) + load_balancer_backend_address_pools_ids = (known after apply) + load_balancer_inbound_nat_rules_ids = (known after apply) + name = "k3s-bootstrap-0-nic-configuration" + primary = (known after apply) + private_ip_address = (known after apply) + private_ip_address_allocation = "dynamic" + private_ip_address_version = "IPv4" + public_ip_address_id = (known after apply) + subnet_id = (known after apply) } } #["k3s-bootstrap-1"] will be created + resource "azurerm_network_interface" "k3s-bootstrap-nic" { + applied_dns_servers = (known after apply) + dns_servers = (known after apply) + enable_accelerated_networking = false + enable_ip_forwarding = false + id = (known after apply) + internal_dns_name_label = (known after apply) + internal_fqdn = (known after apply) + location = "eastus2" + mac_address = (known after apply) + name = "k3s-bootstrap-1-nic" + network_security_group_id = (known after apply) + private_ip_address = (known after apply) + private_ip_addresses = (known after apply) + resource_group_name = "k3s-bootstrap" + tags = (known after apply) + virtual_machine_id = (known after apply) + ip_configuration { + application_gateway_backend_address_pools_ids = (known after apply) + application_security_group_ids = (known after apply) + load_balancer_backend_address_pools_ids = (known after apply) + load_balancer_inbound_nat_rules_ids = (known after apply) + name = "k3s-bootstrap-1-nic-configuration" + primary = (known after apply) + private_ip_address = (known after apply) + private_ip_address_allocation = "dynamic" + private_ip_address_version = "IPv4" + public_ip_address_id = (known after apply) + subnet_id = (known after apply) } } #["k3s-bootstrap-2"] will be created + resource "azurerm_network_interface" "k3s-bootstrap-nic" { + applied_dns_servers = (known after apply) + dns_servers = (known after apply) + enable_accelerated_networking = false + enable_ip_forwarding = false + id = (known after apply) + internal_dns_name_label = (known after apply) + internal_fqdn = (known after apply) + location = "eastus2" + mac_address = (known after apply) + name = "k3s-bootstrap-2-nic" + network_security_group_id = (known after apply) + private_ip_address = (known after apply) + private_ip_addresses = (known after apply) + resource_group_name = "k3s-bootstrap" + tags = (known after apply) + virtual_machine_id = (known after apply) + ip_configuration { + application_gateway_backend_address_pools_ids = (known after apply) + application_security_group_ids = (known after apply) + load_balancer_backend_address_pools_ids = (known after apply) + load_balancer_inbound_nat_rules_ids = (known after apply) + name = "k3s-bootstrap-2-nic-configuration" + primary = (known after apply) + private_ip_address = (known after apply) + private_ip_address_allocation = "dynamic" + private_ip_address_version = "IPv4" + public_ip_address_id = (known after apply) + subnet_id = (known after apply) } } #["k3s-bootstrap-3"] will be created + resource "azurerm_network_interface" "k3s-bootstrap-nic" { + applied_dns_servers = (known after apply) + dns_servers = (known after apply) + enable_accelerated_networking = false + enable_ip_forwarding = false + id = (known after apply) + internal_dns_name_label = (known after apply) + internal_fqdn = (known after apply) + location = "eastus2" + mac_address = (known after apply) + name = "k3s-bootstrap-3-nic" + network_security_group_id = (known after apply) + private_ip_address = (known after apply) + private_ip_addresses = (known after apply) + resource_group_name = "k3s-bootstrap" + tags = (known after apply) + virtual_machine_id = (known after apply) + ip_configuration { + application_gateway_backend_address_pools_ids = (known after apply) + application_security_group_ids = (known after apply) + load_balancer_backend_address_pools_ids = (known after apply) + load_balancer_inbound_nat_rules_ids = (known after apply) + name = "k3s-bootstrap-3-nic-configuration" + primary = (known after apply) + private_ip_address = (known after apply) + private_ip_address_allocation = "dynamic" + private_ip_address_version = "IPv4" + public_ip_address_id = (known after apply) + subnet_id = (known after apply) } } # will be created + resource "azurerm_network_security_group" "k3s-bootstrap-nsg" { + id = (known after apply) + location = "eastus2" + name = "k3s-bootstrap" + resource_group_name = "k3s-bootstrap" + security_rule = [ + { + access = "Allow" + description = "" + destination_address_prefix = "*" + destination_address_prefixes = [] + destination_application_security_group_ids = [] + destination_port_range = "22" + destination_port_ranges = [] + direction = "Inbound" + name = "SSH" + priority = 1001 + protocol = "Tcp" + source_address_prefix = "*" + source_address_prefixes = [] + source_application_security_group_ids = [] + source_port_range = "*" + source_port_ranges = [] }, + { + access = "Allow" + description = "" + destination_address_prefix = "*" + destination_address_prefixes = [] + destination_application_security_group_ids = [] + destination_port_range = "6443" + destination_port_ranges = [] + direction = "Inbound" + name = "K8S" + priority = 1002 + protocol = "Tcp" + source_address_prefix = "*" + source_address_prefixes = [] + source_application_security_group_ids = [] + source_port_range = "*" + source_port_ranges = [] }, ] + tags = (known after apply) } #["k3s-bootstrap-0"] will be created + resource "azurerm_public_ip" "k3s-bootstrap-publicip" { + allocation_method = "Dynamic" + fqdn = (known after apply) + id = (known after apply) + idle_timeout_in_minutes = 4 + ip_address = (known after apply) + ip_version = "IPv4" + location = "eastus2" + name = "k3s-bootstrap-0-ip" + public_ip_address_allocation = (known after apply) + resource_group_name = "k3s-bootstrap" + sku = "Basic" + tags = (known after apply) } #["k3s-bootstrap-1"] will be created + resource "azurerm_public_ip" "k3s-bootstrap-publicip" { + allocation_method = "Dynamic" + fqdn = (known after apply) + id = (known after apply) + idle_timeout_in_minutes = 4 + ip_address = (known after apply) + ip_version = "IPv4" + location = "eastus2" + name = "k3s-bootstrap-1-ip" + public_ip_address_allocation = (known after apply) + resource_group_name = "k3s-bootstrap" + sku = "Basic" + tags = (known after apply) } #["k3s-bootstrap-2"] will be created + resource "azurerm_public_ip" "k3s-bootstrap-publicip" { + allocation_method = "Dynamic" + fqdn = (known after apply) + id = (known after apply) + idle_timeout_in_minutes = 4 + ip_address = (known after apply) + ip_version = "IPv4" + location = "eastus2" + name = "k3s-bootstrap-2-ip" + public_ip_address_allocation = (known after apply) + resource_group_name = "k3s-bootstrap" + sku = "Basic" + tags = (known after apply) } #["k3s-bootstrap-3"] will be created + resource "azurerm_public_ip" "k3s-bootstrap-publicip" { + allocation_method = "Dynamic" + fqdn = (known after apply) + id = (known after apply) + idle_timeout_in_minutes = 4 + ip_address = (known after apply) + ip_version = "IPv4" + location = "eastus2" + name = "k3s-bootstrap-3-ip" + public_ip_address_allocation = (known after apply) + resource_group_name = "k3s-bootstrap" + sku = "Basic" + tags = (known after apply) } #["k3s-bootstrap-0"] will be created + resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "k3s-bootstrap-vm" { + availability_set_id = (known after apply) + delete_data_disks_on_termination = false + delete_os_disk_on_termination = false + id = (known after apply) + license_type = (known after apply) + location = "eastus2" + name = "k3s-bootstrap-0" + network_interface_ids = (known after apply) + resource_group_name = "k3s-bootstrap" + tags = { + "ceph" = "false" + "nfs" = "false" + "storage" = "nfs" + "type" = "master" } + vm_size = "Standard_D2S_v3" + identity { + identity_ids = (known after apply) + principal_id = (known after apply) + type = (known after apply) } + os_profile { + admin_username = "ryan" + computer_name = "k3s-bootstrap-0" + custom_data = (known after apply) } + os_profile_linux_config { + disable_password_authentication = true + ssh_keys { + key_data = "ssh-rsa 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" + path = "/home/ryan/.ssh/authorized_keys" } } + storage_data_disk { + caching = "ReadWrite" + create_option = "Empty" + disk_size_gb = 10 + lun = 0 + managed_disk_id = (known after apply) + managed_disk_type = "Premium_LRS" + name = "k3s-bootstrap-0-data" + write_accelerator_enabled = false } + storage_image_reference { + offer = "0001-com-ubuntu-server-eoan" + publisher = "canonical" + sku = "19_10" + version = "latest" } + storage_os_disk { + caching = "ReadWrite" + create_option = "FromImage" + disk_size_gb = (known after apply) + managed_disk_id = (known after apply) + managed_disk_type = "Premium_LRS" + name = "k3s-bootstrap-0-OS" + os_type = (known after apply) + write_accelerator_enabled = false } } #["k3s-bootstrap-1"] will be created + resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "k3s-bootstrap-vm" { + availability_set_id = (known after apply) + delete_data_disks_on_termination = false + delete_os_disk_on_termination = false + id = (known after apply) + license_type = (known after apply) + location = "eastus2" + name = "k3s-bootstrap-1" + network_interface_ids = (known after apply) + resource_group_name = "k3s-bootstrap" + tags = { + "ceph" = "true" + "nfs" = "false" + "storage" = "ceph" + "type" = "nodes" } + vm_size = "Standard_D2S_v3" + identity { + identity_ids = (known after apply) + principal_id = (known after apply) + type = (known after apply) } + os_profile { + admin_username = "ryan" + computer_name = "k3s-bootstrap-1" + custom_data = (known after apply) } + os_profile_linux_config { + disable_password_authentication = true + ssh_keys { + key_data = "ssh-rsa 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" + path = "/home/ryan/.ssh/authorized_keys" } } + storage_data_disk { + caching = "ReadWrite" + create_option = "Empty" + disk_size_gb = 10 + lun = 0 + managed_disk_id = (known after apply) + managed_disk_type = "Premium_LRS" + name = "k3s-bootstrap-1-data" + write_accelerator_enabled = false } + storage_image_reference { + offer = "0001-com-ubuntu-server-eoan" + publisher = "canonical" + sku = "19_10" + version = "latest" } + storage_os_disk { + caching = "ReadWrite" + create_option = "FromImage" + disk_size_gb = (known after apply) + managed_disk_id = (known after apply) + managed_disk_type = "Premium_LRS" + name = "k3s-bootstrap-1-OS" + os_type = (known after apply) + write_accelerator_enabled = false } } #["k3s-bootstrap-2"] will be created + resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "k3s-bootstrap-vm" { + availability_set_id = (known after apply) + delete_data_disks_on_termination = false + delete_os_disk_on_termination = false + id = (known after apply) + license_type = (known after apply) + location = "eastus2" + name = "k3s-bootstrap-2" + network_interface_ids = (known after apply) + resource_group_name = "k3s-bootstrap" + tags = { + "ceph" = "true" + "nfs" = "false" + "storage" = "ceph" + "type" = "nodes" } + vm_size = "Standard_D2S_v3" + identity { + identity_ids = (known after apply) + principal_id = (known after apply) + type = (known after apply) } + os_profile { + admin_username = "ryan" + computer_name = "k3s-bootstrap-2" + custom_data = (known after apply) } + os_profile_linux_config { + disable_password_authentication = true + ssh_keys { + key_data = "ssh-rsa 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" + path = "/home/ryan/.ssh/authorized_keys" } } + storage_data_disk { + caching = "ReadWrite" + create_option = "Empty" + disk_size_gb = 10 + lun = 0 + managed_disk_id = (known after apply) + managed_disk_type = "Premium_LRS" + name = "k3s-bootstrap-2-data" + write_accelerator_enabled = false } + storage_image_reference { + offer = "0001-com-ubuntu-server-eoan" + publisher = "canonical" + sku = "19_10" + version = "latest" } + storage_os_disk { + caching = "ReadWrite" + create_option = "FromImage" + disk_size_gb = (known after apply) + managed_disk_id = (known after apply) + managed_disk_type = "Premium_LRS" + name = "k3s-bootstrap-2-OS" + os_type = (known after apply) + write_accelerator_enabled = false } } #["k3s-bootstrap-3"] will be created + resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "k3s-bootstrap-vm" { + availability_set_id = (known after apply) + delete_data_disks_on_termination = false + delete_os_disk_on_termination = false + id = (known after apply) + license_type = (known after apply) + location = "eastus2" + name = "k3s-bootstrap-3" + network_interface_ids = (known after apply) + resource_group_name = "k3s-bootstrap" + tags = { + "ceph" = "true" + "nfs" = "true" + "storage" = "ceph" + "type" = "nodes" } + vm_size = "Standard_D2S_v3" + identity { + identity_ids = (known after apply) + principal_id = (known after apply) + type = (known after apply) } + os_profile { + admin_username = "ryan" + computer_name = "k3s-bootstrap-3" + custom_data = (known after apply) } + os_profile_linux_config { + disable_password_authentication = true + ssh_keys { + key_data = "ssh-rsa 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" + path = "/home/ryan/.ssh/authorized_keys" } } + storage_data_disk { + caching = "ReadWrite" + create_option = "Empty" + disk_size_gb = 10 + lun = 0 + managed_disk_id = (known after apply) + managed_disk_type = "Premium_LRS" + name = "k3s-bootstrap-3-data" + write_accelerator_enabled = false } + storage_image_reference { + offer = "0001-com-ubuntu-server-eoan" + publisher = "canonical" + sku = "19_10" + version = "latest" } + storage_os_disk { + caching = "ReadWrite" + create_option = "FromImage" + disk_size_gb = (known after apply) + managed_disk_id = (known after apply) + managed_disk_type = "Premium_LRS" + name = "k3s-bootstrap-3-OS" + os_type = (known after apply) + write_accelerator_enabled = false } } Plan: 16 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy. ```Workflow:
Azure E2E
, Action:hashicorpterraform-github-actions4
, Working Directory:test/terraform