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[website] org charts #122

Open jaanli opened 1 year ago

jaanli commented 1 year ago

organizational charts

sarah hagi:

other people's stories about you will influence.

we all conform.

status games matter.

"i know how to talk in person, but online i get all educate-y or formal, or very academic"

we all have cognitive processes, as the human primate social creatures we are, that help us navigate risk and safety in making decisions in our lives.

stories such as "does this person have a phd?", "what is their role?", "what is their title?" can all impact the data they choose to generate, absorb, communicate, and analyze and the impacts their decisions have.

what is a story about yourself? it's really vague, no one really knows, and sometimes the more ambiguity you create for yourself and those around you, the more psychological safety you feel from being removed from financial incentives due to capitalism.

jaanli commented 1 year ago

the hardest message to communicate is: can we do better? we really don't know. are there mistakes in the data?