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[homework: doing, reading, watching] Linear, logistic regressions and embedding visualizations of Zulip data #163

Closed siimre closed 1 year ago

siimre commented 1 year ago





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siimre commented 1 year ago


siimre commented 1 year ago

Critique from me: The regression results are not correct. Linear regression should be like a line. Logistic regression would look like a hump. All the formulas are nicely laid out and explained. References are correct.

siimre commented 1 year ago

Critique from ChatGPT:

  1. Abstract: The abstract provides a brief overview of the document, mentioning the context of Homework 3 in the DataThinking course and the focus on analyzing a conversation dataset. However, it could benefit from providing more specific details about the dataset and the insights derived.

  2. Introduction: The introduction briefly introduces the purpose of the study, which is to examine conversation patterns, critical topics, and the relationship between message content, length, and sender identification. It could be improved by providing more context on why these aspects are important and what potential applications or implications they might have.

  3. Data, Cleaning, and Preprocessing: This section mentions the use of Zulip chat data for analysis and the extraction of message content and sender identification. However, it lacks details about the cleaning and preprocessing steps performed on the data. Providing more information about the specific techniques used would enhance the clarity and reproducibility of the study.

  4. Analyze: This section briefly mentions the analysis performed on the dataset, including logistic regression, linear regression, and word embeddings. However, it lacks a clear explanation of the specific insights or findings derived from these analyses. Adding more details about the results and their implications would strengthen this section.

  5. Conclusion: The conclusion provides a summary of the study, highlighting the stages of data gathering, exploratory analysis, model development, and evaluation. However, it lacks specific details about the key findings or insights gained from the analysis. Additionally, it mentions the challenges faced during coding and provides a reference to a helpful guide, but it does not elaborate on the solutions or lessons learned from overcoming those challenges.

  6. References: The references section includes URLs for the dataset, debugging guide, and code file used. However, it lacks traditional academic referencing style, such as author names, publication dates, and journal/conference references.

Overall, the document provides an outline of the study and mentions the methods used for analysis. However, it lacks in-depth analysis and specific findings. To improve the document, it would be beneficial to include more detailed explanations of the insights gained from the analysis, provide a clearer structure for each section, and adhere to standard academic referencing conventions.