onekiloparsec / SwiftAA

The most comprehensive collection of accurate astronomical algorithms in (C++, Objective-C and) Swift.
MIT License
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Version 3.0.0 publishing #123

Open alex-vasenin opened 4 months ago

alex-vasenin commented 4 months ago

Is it published or what? I see it merged into master, but both CocoaPods and SPM list 2.4.0 as the latest.

alex-vasenin commented 4 months ago

The reason I'm asking is that I want to migrate my RiseTransitSet2 wrapper to either ObjC or C, but I don't know which one.

tallPete commented 3 weeks ago

I would love to see this too, especially to see the newer RiseTransitSet2 wrapper, but I understand that it takes a lot of work to do the release I believe. Perhaps the workload could be cut down by only supporting SPM for instance going forward. I also know that as soon as a new version is posted there will be issue after issue posted of "my code doesn't work any more", which onekiloparsec may not have time or more likely the will to handle. So I can appreciate holding the current position. I'd help out myself but I don't know enough about how to release a new version.

alex-vasenin commented 3 weeks ago

especially to see the newer RiseTransitSet2 wrapper

Frankly, I somewhat disappointed in the RiseTransitSet2 implementation in AA+. Original RiseTransitSet is based on Meeus's book and it's fast and elegant (with a few known caveats), while RiseTransitSet2 uses a brute-force approach simply iterating over time with 10-minute steps. I even found a bug in it (it's fixed in the latest version).