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Planet aspects /conjunction - clarification on methods for PlanetaryPhenomena #75

Closed johndpope closed 6 years ago

johndpope commented 6 years ago

inferiorConjunction(mean:) Default implementation superiorConjunction(mean:) Default implementation opposition(mean:) Default implementation conjunction(mean:) Default implementation easternElongation(mean:) Default implementation westernElongation(mean:) Default implementation station1(mean:) Default implementation station2(mean:) Default implementation elongationValue(eastern:) Default implementation

this website

can determine aspects for today's date.

eg. Dec 2nd 2017 Mercury Conjunct Saturn ( ) Mars Opposite Uranus ( ) Jupiter Trine Neptune ( )

screen shot 2017-12-02 at 7 20 58 pm

Forgive the newbie question - but can that be inferred from methods above? Did you ever implement these methods in your code? Do you have a gist you could share?

onekiloparsec commented 6 years ago

Sorry for the answer, but I will have a hard time trusting meaning of words in a Astrology website. "Opposite" ? "Conjunc"? Could all have twisted meaning. I have no time to loose here. Usually, this goes into insane and never-ending discussions with people who can't hear explanations. You may find this hard judgement, and you'd be right. Experience matters, sorry. Try to ask questions that are slightly better articulated.