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How to install for Windows OS? #931

Closed sevaraMS closed 3 years ago

sevaraMS commented 3 years ago

Can someone give me a detailed explanation for the case of the windows? How can I start it all command line using Azure or another one? I try on windows but I have an error again and again This is how I write in power shell: az aks create --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name MyManagedCluster --location az^

--node-count  2 ^
--node-vm-size  Standard_D4s_v3 ^
--node-osdisk-size  100 ^
--min-count  2 ^
--max-count  5 ^
--enable-cluster-autoscaler ^
--network-plugin azure ^
--network-policy azure ^
--enable-addons monitoring ^

and I get this one: At line:2 char:7

  • --node-count 2 ^
  • ~ Missing expression after unary operator '--'. At line:2 char:7
  • --node-count 2 ^
    Unexpected token 'node-count' in expression or statement.
    At line:3 char:7
  • --node-vm-size Standard_D4s_v3 ^
  • ~ Missing expression after unary operator '--'. At line:3 char:7
  • --node-vm-size Standard_D4s_v3 ^
    Unexpected token 'node-vm-size' in expression or statement.
    At line:4 char:7
  • --node-osdisk-size 100 ^
  • ~ Missing expression after unary operator '--'. At line:4 char:7
  • --node-osdisk-size 100 ^
    Unexpected token 'node-osdisk-size' in expression or statement.
    At line:5 char:7
  • --min-count 2 ^
  • ~ Missing expression after unary operator '--'. At line:5 char:7
  • --min-count 2 ^
    Unexpected token 'min-count' in expression or statement.
    At line:6 char:7
  • --max-count 5 ^
  • ~ Missing expression after unary operator '--'. At line:6 char:7
  • --max-count 5 ^
    Unexpected token 'max-count' in expression or statement.
    Not all parse errors were reported.  Correct the reported errors and try again.
  • CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
  • FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingExpressionAfterOperator
sevaraMS commented 3 years ago

I worked on Windows 10 Power Shell