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Creating new workspace in web UI doesn't show templates #977

Open NickG26 opened 2 years ago

NickG26 commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug When creating a new workspace in the web ui in a newly created namespace, the templates do not show. When opening the "Workspace template builder" page it also doesn't show the saved templates.

It also needs to be said that when the namespace was created in the web ui, a window showed an error stating: "Unknown error". Still the namespace was created.

Sequence of actions:

  1. I entered an incorrect name having capital lettres.
  2. An error shows up saying I can't use captial lettres.
  3. I entered a correct name
  4. An error shows up saying: "Unknown error"
  5. The namespace was created, but nothing happens in the web ui to show that the namespace was created.
  6. clicking on the arrow to show all namespaces in the web ui does show the newly created namespace.

opctl version

$ opctl version

CLI version: v.1.0.2
Manifest version: v.1.0.2
API version: v.1.0.2
Web UI version: v.1.0.2

opctl init command Command: opctl init --provider aks --artifact-repository-provider abs --gpu-device-plugins nvidia

Kubernetes information

Machine information


NickG26 commented 2 years ago

If I enter a correct name for a new namespace in the web UI in the first attempt, I don't have the error and the templates are also showing when creating a new workspace.