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Mikro8 status never ok #979

Open malfonso0 opened 1 year ago

malfonso0 commented 1 year ago

Hi.. im trying to install on a local PC ( using minio) but im stopped just from the start. im following the guide.

  1. install mikcrok8.. i have tried with 1.19 ( which is in the page) and latest
  2. add user to group and restart
  3. wait for the status. At first some warnings.. after applying the recommendations.. it works ok.
  5. Apply some changes to sudo nano /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/kube-apiserver
  6. restart the service
  7. check status. -> its waits forever OR says not running check with inspect
  8. i do the inspect and it has no warning

im stuck at this stage.. is there something missing? thanks