onepf / OpenAEP

Open Application Exchange Protocol (for stores)
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Auth: define authentication protocol #1

Open oorlov opened 10 years ago

jesper-sjovall commented 10 years ago

I can see some different method to create a authentication protocol based on what goal we want to reach on use a authentication protocol.

I think we need to identify what goal we want reach here?

morozstepan commented 10 years ago

Hello there! I suppose, the ideal solution is Oauth authorization, with data sent by https. So it would be protected from third party and as it's extendable, we can make clients with different permissions. How do you think, is this a big deal to setup pure OAuth authorization system? Yandex already have one, but will it be easy for other stores?

jesper-sjovall commented 10 years ago

Yes, probably your is right here, but way must we use a third party for identify a server to server connection? Or do I misunderstand some basic about Oauth?

I think this is secure enough to only use password/secret token and https for encryptions, and this will be more simply then OAuth that for use will be some job to implements.

morozstepan commented 10 years ago

Hi! Think I know, what to do. In exchange protocol, we'll specify "access token" - a string, must be provided to access data. 1) Those stores, who have OAuth setup on their servers, can make pure accounts with login and password and give them OAuth Tokens from their server (no third party server needed). It's more flexible - any token may be invalidated (by store, who is providing content), and can be renewed by client, getting the content - the token is given for login/password pair. The reason to use it: login and password is kept in secret, may be reset by both client and server, and if token is stolen, there's no problem to renew it. 2) Those stores, who don't have OAuth server, or don't want to implement it, just give some unique secret token. They will need to implement some db for storring these tokens, make some administrative interface to support it. All this stuff is basically already implemented in OAuth servers - so, if store don't want OAuth, it implements token-giving system itself. What do you think?

jesper-sjovall commented 10 years ago

It sound good, This will be the must easy way to go for all of us.

A quested here for us that not know to much about OAuth, if my store only support case 2, How will my store verify a other store that use OAuth?

In other case the summary here will be.

Or have I misunderstand some parts here?

morozstepan commented 10 years ago

So, there are 2 parts of task. 1) Getting token for access. It will not be described in exchange protocol, different stores may implement it different way. Somebody will maintain own database with tokens and give the tokens to users "manually". Somebody will support OAuth server and use it. Nevertheless, it looks like following: store, who wants access goes to another store and asks for token (somehow). Store who gave token can then validate it (also, somehow - from database or OAuth implementation). 2) Accessing the data - described in exchange proto. It will require access token. You will need to authorize tokens, that you gave before.

Let's see example: You have no OAuth setup. And Yandex have. You want to integrate with Yandex. You generate some secret token for Yandex and give it to Yandex. So, when Yandex comes to your server, you will be able to authorize it. Then you need to access Yandex. To do it, Yandex setups your account, with login and password, and describes procedure of getting OAuth token. It's simple - just another http request - you pass login/password and get token. Then you use this token when accessing Yandex.

jesper-sjovall commented 10 years ago

Ok, it sound good, I Think we will go for this solutions, this will be a good compression between security and simplicity.