I'm successfully tested OpenIAB Unity 0.9.4 plugin with Yandex.Store, Amazon, Google and Apple AppStore but missing something with SamsungApps IAB testing.
Also I'm already signed in SamsungApps application with the same account ID as I have on Seller and Developer Portal, but don't know if it necessary for testing workflow.
Then when launching the application first thing I see is a black screen with "Ожидание..." (eng: Waiting...) spin as part or Samsung IAP Activity I guess. After that nothing happens and I should press hardware back button to resume loading of my game.
I/Unity (12385): ********** Android OpenIAB plugin initialized **********
I/Unity (12385):
I/Unity (12385): (Filename: ./Runtime/ExportGenerated/AndroidManaged/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 54)
I/Unity (12385):
E/Watchdog( 298): !@Sync 892
D/OpenIAB-UnityPlugin(12385): createBroadcasts
D/OpenIAB-UnityPlugin(12385): Starting setup.
E/OpenIabHelper(12385): bindService() failed for com.yandex.store
E/OpenIabHelper(12385): java.lang.SecurityException: Not allowed to bind to service Intent { act=org.onepf.oms.openappstore.BIND cmp=com.yandex.store/.service.YandexStoreService }
E/OpenIabHelper(12385): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindService(ContextImpl.java:1120)
E/OpenIabHelper(12385): at android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService(ContextWrapper.java:370)
E/OpenIabHelper(12385): at org.onepf.oms.OpenIabHelper.discoverOpenStores(OpenIabHelper.java:497)
E/OpenIabHelper(12385): at org.onepf.oms.OpenIabHelper$1.run(OpenIabHelper.java:342)
E/OpenIabHelper(12385): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1020)
W/ActivityManager( 298): Permission Denial: Accessing service ComponentInfo{com.yandex.store/com.yandex.store.service.YandexStoreService} from pid=12385, uid=10102 requires org.onepf.openiab.permission.BILLING
Inventory was not recieved after plugin initialization and raised no events. What I'm doing wrong?
Test environment:
Unity 4.2.2, OpenIAB Unity 0.9.4 plugin, Galaxy Tab 8.9 with Google Play, SamsungApps and Yandex.Store installed
remove all apps with openiab permission from device including Yandex.Store. Then install Yandex.Store first, then install your app (it's known issue if Yandex.Store installed after application)
I'm successfully tested OpenIAB Unity 0.9.4 plugin with Yandex.Store, Amazon, Google and Apple AppStore but missing something with SamsungApps IAB testing.
My setup steps are:
:Also I'm already signed in SamsungApps application with the same account ID as I have on Seller and Developer Portal, but don't know if it necessary for testing workflow.
Then when launching the application first thing I see is a black screen with "Ожидание..." (eng: Waiting...) spin as part or Samsung IAP Activity I guess. After that nothing happens and I should press hardware back button to resume loading of my game.
Inventory was not recieved after plugin initialization and raised no events. What I'm doing wrong?
Test environment: Unity 4.2.2, OpenIAB Unity 0.9.4 plugin, Galaxy Tab 8.9 with Google Play, SamsungApps and Yandex.Store installed