onepub-dev / dcli

An extensive library and tooling for building console/cli applications and scripts using the Dart programming language.
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Added a 'deploy' command to the dcil interface #174

Open bsutton opened 2 years ago

bsutton commented 2 years ago

Often times I want to compile, deploy to a remote system and run a dcli script.

the ideal is to create a new command deploy that can do these three actions in one line

dcli deploy bin/someapp.dart --remote  --protocol=<ssh| ftp |http|...> --port=<optional port> --path=<remote path> --run --- <args to someapp>

So the command would compile bin/someapp.dart copy it to '' using the selected protocol (defaults to ssh) uses the --port which defaults based on protocol the command is copied to the <remote path> runs the command on the remote host passing in the <args to someapp>

The remote run will only work with ssh Are the other protocols worth supporting?

It would be nice if we could save the arguments to a config file associated with the script and have an option to re-use the configured commands.

bsutton commented 9 months ago

perhaps this should just be the 'dcli run' command with a --remote switch.